How music takes us back to our past 音乐如何勾起我们的回忆?
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  How music takes us back to our past 音乐如何勾起我们的回忆?
  词汇:music 音乐
  It's happened to all of us: a song comes on the radio, and we are immediately transported to a time in our past. But what is it that makes music so effective at doing this?
  There are a few things that link tunes with our memories. Paul Donoghue, writing for ABC News, reminds us that the emotional nature of music helps make it particularly memorable. And Kelly Jakubowski, an assistant professor in music psychology, adds that music and singing are often part of many important life events and rituals, and that it is also very effective in grabbing our attention. These things combined mean that music and these life events are likely to be encoded together in our memories.
  Music itself is easy to remember. Tiffany Jenkins, writing for BBC Culture, tells us how throughout history oral cultures have passed important knowledge from generation to generation through song. The rhythm, rhyme, melody and alliteration in lyrics all serve as memory aids.
  She goes on to say that pop music especially can be associated with a particular moment in time. As Shahram Heshmat, writing in Psychology Today highlights, we often become familiar with a piece of music because we hear it as background music. Familiarity is important. Jakubowski, tells us that the more familiar a piece of music is, the more effective it is at bringing back memories. This applies to music more than other cultural products because we are far more likely to hear a song over and over again than watch a film or a TV programme in the same way. Heshmat points out that our musical preferences usually form during our teens, and this corresponds with what many experts call the 'reminiscence bump', where we make our strongest memories between the ages of 10 and 30.
  It's clear that our memories and music are closely linked – to the point that music is being used to help dementia sufferers access memories that they thought they had lost.
  song 歌,歌曲
  come on the radio 在广播中播放
  tune 旋律,曲子
  music psychology 音乐心理学
  singing 歌唱
  through song 以歌曲的形式
  rhythm 节奏,韵律
  rhyme 押韵
  melody 旋律,曲调
  alliteration 头韵
  lyrics 歌词
  pop music 流行音乐
  piece of music 一段音乐
  background music 背景音乐
  cultural product 文化产品
  musical preferences 音乐偏好
