• Zombies 僵尸粉

    12-08-30 Zombies are artificial followers that can be bought and sold online for as little as 4 yuan a thousand. 僵尸粉就是指那些可以在网上以每1000个4元的便宜价格进行买卖的虚假粉丝。 文中的zombies就是指僵尸粉,也称为zombie fans或者phantom fans(幽灵粉丝),...

  • 万圣节:纽约遭僵尸“袭击”

    10-10-30 As if the morning commute wasn't odd enough, intrepid New Yorkers trying to make their way to work on Tuesday had to battle past hordes of the walking dead. 好像是嫌早晨上班路上的交通还不够刺激,周二这天,勇敢的纽约人还要对抗僵尸大军,设法杀出一条路...
