• zombie meat 僵尸肉

    15-07-15 Media reports say General Administration of Customs officials seized more than 100,000 tons of zombie meat , long-expired frozen meat products including chicken wings and beef, worth more than 3 billion yuan. Some of the meat had been frozen for mor...

  • laptop zombie 笔记本僵尸

    15-01-12 At a coffee shop or similar establishment that offers free wireless Internet, a person who is oblivious to everyone and everything except the screen in front of them is called a laptop zombie . 在咖啡馆等免费提供无线网的场所,那些对一切人事不闻不问...

  • 美军举行反抗僵尸入侵演练

    12-11-02 Why is the US military preparing for a zombie apocalypse? That's the latest training exercise that US Marines and Navy special-operations forces will be taking part in on an island off the coast of San Diego starting on Wednesday, aka Halloween. 为...

  • zombie debtor 僵尸债务人

    12-08-22 The term zombie debtor refers to someone who is unable to pay off the capital of the loan, and whose repayments only service the interest charge. 僵尸债务人是指无法偿还贷款本金,只能偿还利息费用的人。 In Britain, it is feared that 3.5m people will t...

  • 美国疾控中心宣布:僵尸并不存在

    12-06-05 The horrific face-eating arrest in Miami and several other seemingly subhuman acts has many people wondering what's behind this flesh-munching wave of terror. 美国迈阿密骇人听闻的裸男吃脸案,和其它多起吃人案使许多民众怀疑事件背后是否有僵尸作祟。 Ove...

  • 某寄生虫能对抗僵尸蚂蚁病菌

    12-05-07 A parasite that fights the zombie-ant fungus has yielded some of its secrets to an international research team led by Penn State's David Hughes. The research reveals, for the first time, how an entire ant colony is able to survive infestations by th...

  • 俄研发僵尸武器

    12-04-07 俄罗斯国防部近日却声称他们正在研发一款能把人变成僵尸的武器。据悉,这种新式武器为一款电磁枪支,击中目标的中枢神经系统后能够让其在短时间内处于类似僵尸的状态。 Ever since the game Resident Evil and the movie 28 Days Later breathed new light into the zo...

  • 美政府公布僵尸预警指南

    11-05-28 With rumors swirling in conspiratorial corners that the end of the world is nigh, the US government last week posted some online counsel on how to be prepared in case of a zombie apocalypse. 近日,有关世界末日即将临近的预言疯传,而美国政府上周则在网...

  • 美国某大学开设僵尸研究课程

    10-09-11 美国巴尔的摩大学传播设计学院今年新开了一门研究僵尸的课程,选择这门课的学生将会在老师的带领下欣赏经典的僵尸电影和漫画,在课程结束时无需撰写论文,而要交出一份自己理想中的恐怖电影台词或者绘本。 It is a class to die for - Zombie(僵尸,行尸走肉) studie...

  • zombie computer 僵尸电脑

    09-11-21 在你不经意间,电脑有可能已经被僵尸化,被他人控制用于发送垃圾邮件甚至发动恶意攻击。美国知名电脑安全厂商McAfee今年发布的报告显示,全球僵尸电脑数量呈迅猛上升趋势。 请看《中国日报》的报道: Malicious code such as Conficker can be triggered to steal data...