• 公甫文伯之死

    14-09-16 After hearing that sixteen women committed suicide when her son, Gongpu Wenbo, who was a high official in the state of Lu had died, the mother did not shed a single drop of tear. She said, My son was not a good man. when Confucius was dispelled from...

  • American Tragedy 美国悲剧 chapter 18

    14-09-11 The climax of the afternoon was reached, however, when after several more dances and drinks, the small riverand its possibilities was again brought to the attention of all by Hegglund, who, looking out of one of thewindows, suddenly exclaimed: What'...

  • 《生活大爆炸》第七季精彩语句

    14-08-06 My brain is better than everybody's! 朕是全世界最聪明的人! You distract me. I've been distracted since the moment I met you. Because all I can think about is how much I want to kiss you。 你害我分心。从遇见你的那一刻起,你就让我分心。因为我的脑海里...

  • 覆水难收

    14-07-02 A certain good woman one day said something that hurt her best friend of many years. She regretted immediately and would have done anything to have taken the words back. What she said hurt the friend so much that this good woman was herself hurt for...

  • 轮扁斫轮

    14-05-20 One day, Duke Huan of the state of Qi was reading woks by those sages of the past. Lun Bian, a wheel-maker, believed that these books were just dross(渣滓,碎屑) from the ancients. To prove his conception, he explained, It is just like making whee...

  • “土豪”一词有望被收入牛津词典

    13-11-30 China's new buzzword, tuhao, may be in next year's Oxford English Dictionary. 中国时髦热词土豪明年有望被收入《牛津英语词典》。 The word caught the attention of the dictionary's editing team after BBC's recent program on influential Chinese words. If...

  • hint fiction 微小说

    13-10-18 Hint fiction is an extremely short literary work, typically no more than twenty-five words, that hints at a longer, more complex story. Hint fiction(即中文的微小说)指极其简短的文学作品,基本不超过25个字,但却隐含着一个更长更复杂的故事情节。 Those...

  • 英国号召民众学外语 掌握1000外语单词

    13-09-29 由英国文化协会、英国工业联合会、英国科学院以及多家大使馆和语言教学机构共同发起的与未来对话活动向全体英国人发起号召,希望每个人至少掌握1000个外语单词,以免在未来的国际贸易往来和就业市场中被淘汰。 Everyone in the UK should learn at least 1,000 words o...

  • 牛津字典收录性感新词“电臀舞”

    13-08-30 牛津英语在线字典在最新公布的季度新词词库中收录了表示性感电臀舞的twerking一词。字典编纂方表示,在过去12个月当中,美国流行歌手麦莉赛勒斯凭借电臀舞顺利蹿升至排行榜首位,同时也让这个词被更多人熟知。 Twerking, the rump-busting up-and-down dance move long...

  • 艳如桃李,冷若冰霜

    13-06-26 原文: 苏小姐理想的自己是:艳如桃李,冷若冰霜,让方鸿渐卑逊地仰慕而后屈伏地求爱。谁知道气候虽然每天华氏一百度左右,这种又甜又冷的冰淇淋作风全行不通。(钱钟书 - 《围城》 ) 译文: Miss Su, who pictured herself in the words of the familiar saying, as...