• Of Human Bondage 人性的枷锁 Chapter 21

    22-07-13 Mr. Perkins soon saw that his words had had no effect on Philip, and for the rest of the term ignored him. He wrote a report which was vitriolic. When it arrived and Aunt Louisa asked Philip what it was like, he answered cheerfully. Rotten. Is it? s...

  • 课堂上老师的常用语-归纳学生的回答

    22-06-22 In other words 也就是说, If I understand you correctly, you mean 如果我没理解错的话,你的意思是 What you said is/What this means is that 你说的是/这就是说 I think I understand what you mean. Let me put it another way. 我想我明白你的意思了。我换个方...

  • just a few words 只言片语

    22-06-06 只言片语,汉语成语,个别的词句和片段的话语。可以翻译为just a few words,a word or two或a single sentence等。 例句: 我无意中听到他们谈话的只言片语。 I overheard a fragment of their conversation. 她什么都读,新闻中的任何只言片语都要一一揣摩。 She rea...

  • 人倾向选择与自己长得像的伴侣

    22-06-02 在日常生活中,相信不少人都听过夫妻相这个词。 近日,有外媒指出,科学研究显示我们倾向于选择与我们长得像的伴侣。那么,夫妻相真的存在吗? 人倾向选择与自己长得像的伴侣 据《科学焦点》杂志(Science Focus),有大量研究表明,长期伴侣往往看上去很像。 但这是否...

  • 常见委婉语——争吵

    22-05-24 1. full and frank discussion 表面意思即深入而坦率的探讨,这是一种礼貌的说法,表示争吵或责难(reprimand)。 The directors had a full and frank discussion in the meeting. 主管们在会上争执不休。 2. have words with someone Words(注意是复数)有口角、争...

  • 写日记的好处

    22-05-18 你喜欢回忆往事吗?你是否担心随着时间的推移会忘记过去的点点滴滴?不妨在忙碌间抽出片刻写篇日记,记录生活中的美好或失意。 For many of us, a work diary is a practical thing. We use them for work to make a note of appointments or meetings, scribbling wor...

  • be scanty of words 沉默寡言

    22-05-18 沉默寡言,汉语成语,形容人不声不响,很少说话。可以翻译为be reticent/withdrawn,be scanty of words等。 例句: 她丈夫变得沉默寡言、喜怒无常。 Her husband had become withdrawn and moody. 她忧郁孤僻、面色苍白并且沉默寡言。 She was morose, pale, and reti...

  • 如何用英语和前任说再见——分手

    22-05-11 分手 break up/parting/leave-taking/split up My girlfriend had broken up with me. 我的女朋友已跟我分手了。 They parted with reluctance. 他们依依不舍地分手了。 Her parting words left him feeling empty and alone. 她分手时说的话让他感觉空虚孤独。 To be...

  • lovers' prattle或sweet nothings 情话

    22-04-26 为什么情话是 lovers prattle 或 sweet nothings ,而不能直译为love words? 情书是love letter,情歌是love song,情话可不能想当然地翻译成love words。prattle的意思是东拉西扯或者(小孩般)咿咿呀呀的话,所以lovers prattle来形容爱人间孩子气的废话很合适。Swe...

  • implied meaning 言外之意

    22-04-02 言外之意,汉语成语,意思是有这个意思,但没有在话里明说出来。可以翻译为implied meaning,meaning behind ones words或meaning between the lines等。 例句: 领会言外之意 Read between the lines 你的言外之意是不是我不能胜任这份工作? Are you inferring Im no...