• make of, make from, make out of

    21-10-28 动词 make 本身有不同的含义,其中最常见的是表示 生产,制造。在描述不同事物的制作材料、方式、用途等时,后面应该接相应的介词。下面,我们来讲一讲 make 的后面接不同的介词时,分别用来描述哪些情况。 首先要注意,如果一句话的主语是事物本身,那么 make 通常以...

  • touch wood 但愿走好运

    21-08-17 英国人有时也迷信,比如 touch wood 就是但愿走好运的意思。 例句 Ive done all of the preparation for the exam, so nothing can go wrong now touch wood! Ive never broken any bones, touch wood! The train is currently on time so we shouldnt miss our flight...

  • can't see the wood for the trees 见木不见林

    21-04-11 表达 cant see the wood for the trees 的意思是 做某件事情时太专注于细节,没有注意整体大局,因而可能会错漏重要的信息,它就相当于汉语中所说的 见木不见林。 例句 Worrying about the small details means I cant see the wood for the trees. 担心这些小细节意味...

  • what is done is done 木已成舟

    21-03-21 木已成舟,汉语成语,意思是指树木已经做成小舟(the wood is already made into a boat),比喻事情已成为不可改变的定局。可以翻译为what is done cannot be undone,what is done is done或water over the dam。 例句: 好吧,木已成舟不是吗?我们能不能就别再提了...

  • 夏洛特的网 Chapter 5 上

    20-12-24 The night seemed long. Wilburs stomach was empty and his mind was full. And when your stomach is empty and your mind is full, its always hard to sleep. 夜好像变长了。威伯的肚子是空的,脑子里却装得满满的。当你的肚子是空的,可脑子里却满是心事的时候,...

  • 研究称全球人造物重量将超过所有活生物重量

    20-12-21 From plastic bottles, to bricks and concrete the weight of all the things humans produce to build homes, roads and machines has been doubling every twenty years. 从塑料瓶、砖头到混凝土,人类为了建造房屋、道路和机器而生产的物体的重量每二十年翻一番。...

  • 科学家研发透明木材

    20-10-12 Scientists have designed transparent wood that could replace conventional glass in windows. 科学家研发出了可以替代传统窗玻璃的透明木材。 The innovation was developed using wood from the balsa tree, which is native to South and Central America, and c...

  • 印度部长发放打夫棒 遏制家暴

    17-05-07 India has traditionally grappled with the problem of domestic abuse that women face at the hands of their menfolk. Despite most cases going unreported, over 113,400 such incidents were recorded in 2015. 一直以来,印度都在努力解决女性面临的丈夫家暴问...

  • 木窗比玻璃窗更凉爽

    16-08-17 Engineers at the A. James Clark School of Engineering at the University of Maryland (UMD) demonstrate in a new study that windows made of transparent wood could provide more even and consistent natural lighting and better energy efficiency than glas...

  • 一种黄蜂消失101年后被重新发现

    16-06-21 A species of wasp that is a natural enemy of a wood-boring beetle that kills black locust trees has been rediscovered, more than 100 years after the last wasp of this species was found. The discovery is significant because the wood-boring beetle, kn...