• 《爱丽丝梦游仙境-2》第6章

    22-12-21 Alice teetered on the edge of a black void. One more step forward and she would have plunged into an infinite abyss. At the thought, her skin broke out in goose bumps, and she rubbed her arms to try to warm herself. Far across the void, the black sp...

  • wonder的多个用法

    22-12-01 wonder 作名词时有 奇迹 的意思,它通常用来指 象征意义上的、令人惊叹不已的事物。来听两个使用 wonder 表示 奇迹,奇事 的例句。 Examples Getting eight hours of sleep can do wonders for your health. (睡够八个小时可能对健康有奇效。) Its a wonder he wasnt...

  • 如何介绍兵马俑和秦始皇

    22-08-17 想在外国妹纸面前出把风头,显得你对祖国博大精深的文化了若指掌吗?还等什么,赶紧跟口语君把下面几个句子读起来: 1. The Famous Terracotta Army - is referred to as the eighth wonder of the ancient world. 闻名遐迩的兵马俑被誉为世界第八大奇迹。 2. The Terr...

  • 恍然大悟

    22-02-09 1. Got it! 懂了! 2. Well, I see. 噢,我知道了。 3. No wonder. 怪不得。 4. So that explains it. 倒是说的通(原来如此)。 这里的that指代某种说法,it指代你心中的疑惑。 5. Makes sense. 有道理。 全称为It/ That makes sense。你还可以加强语气,说成It makes...

  • BBC:12月不可错过的6部电影

    20-12-01 Wonder Woman 1984 《神奇女侠1984》 A year on from the day it was originally scheduled to come out, Wonder Woman 1984 is finally leaping into cinemas and onto a streaming platform making it 2020s first and last major superhero blockbuster. Gal Gadot...

  • 盖尔·加朵愿意再次出演《神奇女侠》

    17-06-18 Wonder Woman star Gal Gadot promised her fans she was inspired to portray the superhero role once more, despite criticism from those who supported Palestine. Wonder Woman has been banned in Tunisia, Lebanon and Jordan since Gadot, who is of Israeli...

  • 联合国宣布结束神奇女侠“荣誉大使”的任期

    16-12-26 Wonder Woman has had her golden tiara hung up and her ambassadorship to the UN relinquished after tens of thousands of people signed a petition calling on the organisation to ditch the comic book character. 在上万人联名请愿要求联合国炒掉神奇女侠后,...
