• witness tree 见证树

    20-08-28 Witness tree refers to an extremely old tree, particularly one that was present at one or more important historical events. 见证树指的是历经沧桑的古树,特别是见证过一个或多个重要历史事件的古树。 Many tourists come to the Laurel Hill Cemetery, and th...

  • 杰克逊意外死亡案的相关证词“前后不一致”

    10-03-24 A lawyer acting for Dr Conrad Murray, who is charged with the involuntary manslaughter of Michael Jackson, has criticised a leaked witness statement. 康拉德莫里医生因过失杀害迈克尔杰克逊而被起诉的一位代理律师批判相关部门泄露了目击者证词。 Dr Murray...
