• 哪些表达可以形容“冷”呢?

    22-02-15 Its chilly today. 今天冷风飕飕。 Its freaking cold today! 今天冷死啦! The wind really chills me to the bone./The wind is bone-chilling. 这寒风真是刺骨。 I got frozen stiff waiting at the bus stop. 在公交车站等车,我都冻僵了。 I nearly froze to deat...

  • to wind someone up 捉弄、惹恼某人

    21-12-14 我们可以用 wind up 这个搭配来描述给钟表上紧发条的动作。但如果发条拧得太紧,钟表里的弹簧就会崩开。英语中有一个被用来形容类似情形的表达,当你 wind someone up 时,就是说你一点点地捉弄某人,直到这个人无法忍受,终于恼羞成怒。如果你变得既焦虑又生气时,就...

  • 21-12-01 表达自己冷,小伙伴们是不是只会说cold呢,词到用时方恨少啊,其实表示冷有很多种表达方式: Its freezing/ chilly out there. 外面冻死了。 The wind is bone-chilling. 真是寒风刺骨...

  • 天气冷

    21-12-01 说起天气冷,cold front是一个比较官方的表达,一般在正式场合,比如气象预报中常见,老外平时说话很少会用,他们一般会说: The temperature is dropping. 温度要下降了。 Its getting colder. 天要冷了。 The wind is picking up. 要刮风了。...

  • be extremely delicate 弱不禁风

    21-11-25 弱不禁风,汉语成语,字面意思是十分娇弱,连风吹都经受不起(be too weak to withstand a gust of wind),形容人或物虚弱,承受力差,不堪一击。可以翻译为be extremely delicate,be frail physically或 be vulnerable等。 例句: 她独自站在那里,看上去弱不禁风。...

  • 我快冻死了

    21-11-10 1 freeze to death 冻死 解析:这个短语可以表示极度寒冷,是一种夸张的说法,和中文的冷死了对应;也可以表示真正的冻死。 例句: Two men froze to death/ were frozen to death on the mountain. 有两个人在山上冻死了。 2 Its freezing / chilly out there. 外面冷...

  • nothing comes out of nothing 无风不起浪

    21-09-15 无风不起浪,字面意思是there are no waves without wind,形容事情的发生总有起因。可以翻译为nothing comes out of nothing,everything has its seed等。 例句: 起初他并不相信这些谣言,但仔细想想觉得无风不起浪。 At first he didnt believe the rumors, but on...

  • to sail close to the wind 顶风而行

    21-08-13 如果形容某人sailing close to the wind 意思就是某人做冒险的事或斗胆做几乎是违法的事。 例句 Johns business practices were sailing close to the wind. He was very close to having the company shut down. Susans comments were sailing close to the wind so w...

  • a second wind 再次崛起或继续做

    21-08-12 当我们形容某人有 a second wind 的时候,这就是说他们恢复了精力,再次崛起或继续做什么事情。 例句 I usually feel a bit tired after lunch but get a second wind around 4pm. Observers said Barack Obama was judged to have lost the first Presidential debate...

  • Ars Poetica

    21-06-07 Ars Poetica Janiru Liyanage after Aria Aber I broke into english the way a man once broke into my mother. At the halflight of his bite, pink flesh and all teeth. The way my mother once broke into the neighbors dog with her mouth; stole and ate it ra...