• 45种野生动物年底前逐步停止养殖

    20-10-13 Captive breeding of 45 types of wild animals, including bamboo rats, will be phased out by the end of this year, the National Forestry and Grassland Administration said. 国家林草局表示,对于竹鼠等45种野生动物,要在年底前逐步停止养殖活动。 确需适量保...

  • 法国将逐步禁止马戏团使用野生动物表演

    20-09-30 France will gradually ban the use of wild animals in circuses, phase out orca and dolphin shows and will ban mink farming for fur, the environment minister said on Tuesday. 法国环境部长本周二表示,法国将逐步禁止马戏团使用野生动物表演,并逐步取消虎鲸...

  • 扎龙保护区今年20只丹顶鹤被放回野外

    19-08-07 Twenty red-crowned cranes bred in captivity were released into the wild this year in the Zhalong National Nature Reserve, in northeast Chinas Heilongjiang Province, sources with the reserve said. 扎龙国家自然保护区今年有20只圈养丹顶鹤被放回野外。 Ar...

  • 两只人工喂养的大熊猫将被放归自然

    18-12-25 Two human-raised pandas are ready to be sent into the wild in Sichuan Province after undergoing two years of training to prepare them to survive in the wild. 两只人工喂养的大熊猫将被放归自然,它们为此曾经过两年的野外生存训练。 The juvenile pandas, Q...

  • 云南发现30头野生亚洲象

    18-06-04 A group of 30 wild Asian elephants have been spotted in a nature reserve in southwest Chinas Yunnan Province. 云南省某自然保护区发现一群野生亚洲象,数量为30头。 Of the group, nine were calves, with three under one year old, according to a wild eleph...

  • 欧洲野猪数量持续增长

    15-08-13 The wild boar population in Europe has been constantly growing since the 1980s. This is more and more becoming a problem for agriculture when animals raid the fields, looking for feed. It is not so easy to determine the number of wild boars in Europ...

  • 某些濒危钜鲛可以无性繁殖

    15-06-02 Some female members of a critically endangered species of sawfish are reproducing in the wild without sex. The discovery, reported in the Cell Press journal Current Biology on June 1, marks the first time living offspring from virgin births have bee...

  • Wild Pig 野蛮的猪

    13-10-09 In the wild wild would lived a wild wild pig, and he was very fierce. There were other animals in the wild wild wood - ponies, deer and squirrels. The ponies and deer liked the grass under the oak trees, the squirrels like the acorns(橡树果) , but...

  • 被俘饲养的土狼比其野生同胞机智

    13-01-08 When it comes to solving puzzles, animals in captivity are, well, different animals than their wild brethren(同胞) . Testing animals' ability to solve new problems has been historically conducted on animals in captivity. Only recently has a shift...

  • 《野兽家园》打入美国票房榜首

    09-10-20 A fantasy film about a make-believe world of monsters has entered the US and Canada box office at number one. 一部关于怪物虚拟世界的电影进入美国和加拿大票房排行榜第一位。 Where The Wild Things Are contains actors alongside animation Where The Wild T...