• grab a drink 喝一杯

    22-04-13 到酒吧,肯定得喝一杯了,如果遇到心仪的男(女)神,想邀请别人喝一杯,该怎么说呢? 有小伙伴的本能反应是Have a drink?噢,我的天,还没学会那些洋气的表达吗? 当当当!正确的说法应该是Grab a drink. 例如Hey,Adam!Lets go grab a whisky or two. 有很多同学不...

  • 英国科学家研发人造舌头打击假酒交易

    20-12-17 英国科学家研发出可以分辨不同威士忌之间细微差别的人造舌头。这项技术可以用于帮助打击假酒交易。 Engineers used sub-microscopic slides of gold and aluminium, arranged in a chequerboard pattern, to act as the tongues taste buds. The researchers poured wh...

  • 科学家研发人造“舌头”辨假酒

    20-11-24 英国科学家研发出可以分辨不同威士忌之间细微差别的人造舌头。这项技术可以用于帮助打击假酒交易。 Engineers used sub-microscopic slides of gold and aluminium, arranged in a chequerboard pattern, to act as the tongues taste buds. The researchers poured wh...

  • 南非男子对总统泼酒被判刑

    11-07-28 A South African man has been convicted of assault by spilling his drink on President Jacob Zuma. 一名南非男子因向总统雅各布祖玛泼洒饮料而被判人身伤害罪。 Racehorse owner Daryl Peense, 31, was arrested after spilling whisky on Mr Zuma at a race meeti...

  • 如何辨别真假威士忌

    11-07-26 Methods for distinguishing between authentic(真正的) and counterfeit(假冒的) Scotch whisky brands have been devised by scientists at the University of Strathclyde in Glasgow. Researchers from the Department of Pure and Applied Chemistry have fou...
