• 老鼠利用胡须在黑暗中辨路

    14-07-08 The way rats use their whiskers(胡须,腮须) is more similar to how humans use their hands and fingers than previously thought, new research from the University of Sheffield has found. Rats deliberately change how they sense their environment using...

  • 电子胡须

    14-01-23 From the world of nanotechnology we've gotten electronic skin, or e-skin, and electronic eye implants or e-eyes. Now we're on the verge of electronic whiskers(胡须) . Researchers with Berkeley Lab and the University of California (UC) Berkeley hav...

  • 海洋生物纳米腮须可增强人体肌肉组织

    11-03-14 Nanoscale whiskers(胡须,腮须) from sea creatures could grow human muscle tissue Minute whiskers of nanoscale dimensions taken from sea creatures could hold the key to creating working human muscle tissue, University of Manchester researchers have...

  • 斑海豹的胡须具有回波定位功能

    10-06-14 When a hungry harbour seal(斑海豹) sets off in pursuit of a fish diner, the animal has a secret weapon in its tracking arsenal(兵工厂,军械库) : its whiskers(胡须,腮须) . Detecting hydrodynamic(水力的,流体动力学的) trails in water with the...
