• 火蚁“救生艇”的内部结构

    14-06-16 Three years ago, Georgia Institute of Technology researchers took a close look at how fire ants work together to build waterproof rafts(救生艇,竹排) to stay alive. By looking at the edges and tops of rafts, the team discovered that ants grip each...

  • 减肥手术能使肥胖的人减少患癌风险

    14-06-06 Weight loss surgery might have more value than simply helping morbidly obese people to shed unhealthy extra pounds. It reduces their risk of cancer to rates almost similar to those of people of normal weight. This is the conclusion of the first comp...

  • 5:2 diet 5比2节食法

    14-04-18 The 5:2 diet , also written as 5/2 diet, is a fad diet which involves severe calorie restriction for two non-consecutive days a week and normal eating the other five days, which originated and became popular in the UK, and spread in Europe and to th...

  • 五个关于肥胖的谬见和误解

    14-03-31 Deborah Cohen is a senior natural scientist at the Rand Corp. and the author of the forthcoming book A Big Fat Crisis: The Hidden Forces Behind the Obesity Epidemic and How We Can End It. 黛博拉科恩是美国兰德公司一位高级自然科学家,她所著书籍《肥胖...

  • 指责肥胖者的信息可能使其体重有增无减

    14-01-25 一项新研究发现,媒体所提供的一些指责肥胖者的信息可能会让他们的体重有增无减。 The goal to lose weight is the most popular New Year's resolution, as more than two-thirds of American adults are overweight or obese, according to the Centers for Disease...

  • 狼群捕食影响家畜体重的增长

    14-01-23 A recent study by University of Montana faculty and graduate students found that wolf predation of cattle contributes to lower weight gain in calves on western Montana ranches. This leads to an economic loss at sale several times higher than the dir...

  • 美国男子一年内减肥59公斤

    14-01-10 据美国雅虎新闻网站1月6日报道,一男子在不到一年的时间内,足足减掉59公斤。 In just shy of one year -- he didn't start losing weight until December of 2012 -- Irwin went from 300 pounds to 170. How did he do it? 95% of it was done through nothing but a...

  • 性格冲动的人更易暴饮暴食

    13-12-30 People with an impulsive personality may be more likely to have a food addiction, according to a new study by researchers at the University of Georgia. 美国乔治亚大学的研究人员进行的一项新研究表明,性格冲动的人更易患暴饮暴食症。 The study found that...

  • 英国5岁女童体重超125斤被送医院治疗

    13-12-15 A girl of five has been taken into care because she weighed more than 10 stone, it was revealed yesterday. 一名5岁的英国女童曾因体重超过10英石(约63.5公斤)被送进医院接受治疗。 The girl is one of the heaviest of her age ever recorded in the UK and a...

  • white food 白色食物

    13-12-13 White foods refer to processed foods such as white sugar and all-purpose flour, or starchy foods such as potatoes, rice, and pasta. 白色食物指的是白糖、通用面粉等加工食品,或土豆、米饭、通心粉等淀粉类食物。 People who want to lose weight should stay...