13-01-18 Weight loss following infection with intestinal worms is the body's way of fighting off the parasites, University of Manchester researchers have said. 曼彻斯特大学的研究人员称,人体感染肠蠕虫后通过减轻体重这种方式对抗寄生虫。 The immune system hijac...
13-01-15 Fizzy-drink giant Coca-Cola has launched an advert addressing obesity for the first time on television. 充气饮料生产商可口可乐发布了首个对付肥胖的电视广告。 The two-minute commercial highlights the firm's record of making low-calorie drinks and remi...
12-12-25 Doctor, she said loudly, bouncing into the room, I want you to say frankly what's wrong with me. He surveyed her from head to foot. Madam, he said at length, I've just three things to tell you. First, your weight wants reducing by nearly fifty pound...
12-12-11 Moving in with a boyfriend causes women to eat more unhealthily and put on weight. But the opposite is true for men, whose long-term health benefits when they move in with a female partner. Dieticians at Newcastle University said both partners try t...
12-10-25 Joint research between the University of Michigan and the Argentina-based National Council of Science and Technology (CONICET) has shed light on one of the most frustrating mysteries of weight loss -- why the weight inevitably comes back. A novel an...
12-08-08 American adults of a normal weight with new-onset diabetes die at a higher rate than overweight/obese adults with the same disease, according to a new Northwestern Medicine study. The study, to be published in the Aug. 7 issue of JAMA, found that no...
12-07-20 影片对白 Coach: Well, I don't know where you put it, Heffley, but you gained 10 pounds and joined the Bulldog class. Greg: Yes. Rowley: I thought you didn't gain any weight this week. Greg: My mom's ankle weights. Coach: All right, bulldog Heffley....
12-07-11 A Loyola study of high school students provides new evidence that a person's circle of friends may influence his or her weight. Students were more likely to gain weight if they had friends who were heavier than they were. Conversely(相反地) , stud...
12-06-26 In testosterone(睾丸素) -deficient men, major weight loss was an added benefit of testosterone replacement therapy for most of the patients who participated in a new study. The results will be presented June 23 at The Endocrine Society's 94th Annu...
12-06-03 由英国议会议员和基督教青年总会联合发布的一份调查报告显示,一半以上的英国人正因为体形不好而遭受精神和身体双重煎熬,连5岁的小姑娘也时刻在担心自己的体重,人们对体形的重视程度超过了对健康的关注。 Girls as young as five now routinely worry about their we...