• 《黑豹》精彩词句

    22-12-26 1. Dont trip. 不用多说了。 2. Thatll make my day. 那今天我可要爽了。 3. Ive seen too many in need just to turn a blind eye. 我见过太多需要帮助的人,无法对他们视而不见。 4. Besides, youll be on call should we need backup. 如果我们需要支援,你要随时待...

  • 美国德州某学区老师上班可配枪

    22-03-22 2018年以来,全美发生了103起校园枪击事件,光去年就报告了34起。对此,美国德克萨斯州一学区近期推行的应对措施是:让教师偷偷配枪。 得克萨斯州的大赛林独立学区(Grand Saline Independent School District)教育长迈卡刘易斯(Micah Lewis)告诉《纽约邮报》,该学...

  • 化干戈为玉帛

    20-11-14 化干戈为玉帛意思是消除仇怨,变战争为和平,变冲突为友好。干戈是用于防御和进攻的两种武器(two weapons of war which were used for defense and attack respectively),借指战争、武力冲突;玉帛指玉器和束帛,是古代诸侯会盟、诸侯与天子朝聘时互赠的礼物(jades...

  • 特朗普建议提高武器购买年龄

    18-02-23 U.S. President Donald Trump suggested on Thursday that he supports raising the minimum age to buy assault-style weapons, while vowing to push for background checks. 美国总统特朗普周四建议,提高购买攻击性武器的最低年龄,他同时许诺努力做好背景调查。 I...

  • 埃隆·马斯克:人工智能将会引发第三次世界大战

    17-09-14 Elon Musk has said again that artificial intelligence could be humanitys greatest existential threat, this time by starting a third world war. 埃隆马斯克再一次警告称,人工智能或将成为人类存亡的威胁,这次他指的是人工智能将会引发第三次世界大战。 The p...

  • 俄罗斯将向菲律宾出售全新武器

    17-01-06 Russia is ready to supply the Philippines with sophisticated brand-new weapons instead of used ones, Russian Ambassador to the Philippines Igor Khovaev said Wednesday. 俄罗斯驻菲律宾大使伊戈尔科霍瓦耶夫周三表示,俄罗斯将向菲律宾出售精细的全新武器。...

  • 特朗普呼吁增强美国的核力量

    16-12-23 US President-elect Donald Trump is calling for a strengthening and expansion of his countrys nuclear capabilities. 美国候任总统特朗普呼吁加强扩大美国的核力量。 It remains unclear what prompted his remarks, as well as his detailed plans. It is being...