• 哈佛大学发布一份关于哈佛大学与奴隶制历史联系的报告

    22-05-06 美国哈佛大学4月26日发布了一份关于哈佛大学与奴隶制历史联系的报告,报告称,从1636年哈佛大学成立到1783年美国马萨诸塞州禁止奴隶制,奴隶制曾是哈佛大学生活中不可或缺的一部分,哈佛大学的教师和负责人在此期间奴役了70名黑人和原住民。另外,奴隶制在美国盛行时期...

  • on the make 唯利是图

    21-06-06 唯利是图,汉语成语,意思是只贪图利益,不顾及其他(seek nothing but profits;care only for money), 唯表示只(only), 图是图谋(plot; conspire),含贬义。与英文俗语on the make意思相近,表示Seeking wealth, success, or an improved social status, ofte...

  • Mansfield Park - Chapter 45

    21-05-07 At about the weeks end from his return to Mansfield, Toms immediate danger was over, and he was so far pronounced safe as to make his mother perfectly easy; for being now used to the sight of him in his suffering, helpless state, and hearing only th...

  • 自我帮助

    21-02-24 据估算,self-help industry 自助、自救产业 单在美国的产业价值就约一百亿美元。这个产业为什么会如此赚钱?那些宣称能重塑我们并彻底改变我们生活的出版物人气高的原因到底是什么? I need help! I have to fix a leaking pipe in my bathroom but Im not sure where...