• 打招呼基本用语

    22-10-19 1. Which of these is not a way of saying hello? a) Alright? b) Hiya! c) See ya! 2. How do formal letters and emails usually start? a) Mr/Mrs b) Dear c) Hello 3. Is it usual to start a work email with Hey folks? a) No b) Yes 4. What word means the ru...

  • One Hundred Years of Solitude 百年孤独 Chapter 4

    22-10-17 THE NEW HOUSE, white, like a dove, was inaugurated with a dance. rsula had got that idea from the afternoon when she saw Rebeca and Amaranta changed into adolescents, and it could almost have been said that the main reason behind the construction wa...

  • 英文网聊缩略语-短句篇

    22-06-07 AEAP - as early as possible 尽早 ASL - age, sex, location 年龄、性别、所在地 ATM - at the moment 此刻,马上 AFAIK - as far as I know 据我所知 BFF - best friends forever 死党,永远的好朋友 BRB - be right back 很快回来 BTW - by the way 顺便问一句 FWIW...

  • do something on the run 在去别地时做某事

    22-05-10 Do something on the run Definition: do something while on the way to somewhere else 定义:在去别地时做某事。 We did it on the run while on the way to Arizona. 我们是在去亚利桑那州的途中完成这个的。 You can do it on the run. Lets go! 我们可以在途中完...

  • in a big way 彻底地

    22-05-07 in a big way 彻底地 Notes: in a big way的意思是彻底的,充分的。剧中Beth用这个短语来表达自己已经完全走出了失恋的阴影。再看一些例句: Hes into cooking in a big way. 他彻底迷上了厨艺。...

  • dash away 飞快的离开,快走;

    22-04-26 dash away 飞快的离开,快走; Im already late for the meeting, I must dash away now. 开会已经迟到了,我得赶紧走了。 haul ass 这个词组是美国俚语,用作动词,意思是动身,立即行动。 Wed better haul ass, its a long way to go. 我们最好赶快动身,还有好长的...

  • 不失礼貌地转移话题

    22-03-30 #1 lets drop the subject 我们换个话题吧 这是最为直截了当的一种说法。drop有着停止、终止的意思,因此,当不想再继续谈论某件事(而且通常是令人痛苦、烦恼的事情)时,我们就可以说:Lets drop it. I dont want to talk about it anymore.(我们换个话题吧。我不想...

  • 用英文更委婉有效的说不

    22-02-16 1. Thanks but no thanks. 这句话可能听起来会挺有礼貌,但是实际上是当一个人有一点不耐烦或者生气的时候用的。比如在商场,有一个销售员总是向你推销商品,这时候你就可以用这句话,那么他们就知道你不需要他了。 2. No way, Jos. (Jos)其实没有具体的意思,只是因为...

  • where there's a will, there's a way 有志者事竟成

    22-01-22 世上无难事,只怕有心人。中国人常说有志者事竟成,意思是只要肯下决心去做,世界上没有什么办不到的事情,困难总是可以克服的。这句话与英文习语where theres a will, theres a way意思相同,表示If one is motivated enough to do something, they will find a way t...

  • 委婉表达不同意见 下

    22-01-07 Thats an interesting way to look at it. 这个角度看问题也不错。 Thats an interesting way to look at it, but did you think about the social impact. 这个角度看问题也不错,但是你有想过社会影响吗? With all respect 我很尊重你的意见 With all respect, but...