• a rainbow wave 彩虹浪潮

    22-09-23 彩虹浪潮:这是美国一党专政的结束,一个新的民主党派开始更年轻、更棕肤色、更酷、更多女性、更老龄化。 民主党的表现确实不错,赢得了美国众议院和一些州长的控制权。但更令人印象深刻的是,在观察家看来,许多选举之夜取胜的是女性、穆斯林、印第安人,以及LGBTQ候...

  • 被冲上海滩的乐高积木

    22-03-04 Tracey Williams can spot a piece of Lego where others just see seaweed and sand. The pieces that wash up here tell a story thats been unfolding in wave after wave for the past 25 years. 一般人在这里只看到海草和沙子,但特蕾西威廉姆斯却可以找到乐高积...

  • have a soft spot for sb 十分喜爱(某人)

    22-01-07 1. have a soft spot for sb soft spot指的是易受打动之点,有点软肋的意味。 have a soft spot for sb常指莫名其妙地十分喜爱(某人)。 Shed always had a soft spot for her younger nephew. 她一直很喜欢她的小侄子。 2. ride a wave △肯尼斯是个亿万富翁,在创业...

  • 台风相关词汇

    21-07-27 typhoon 台风 high wind 狂风 tropical cyclone 热带气旋 tropical depression 热带低压 eye 风眼 heavy rain 大雨、暴雨 torrential rain 倾盆大雨 storm track 风暴路径 orange alert 橙色预警 red alert 红色预警 safety precaution 安全预防措施 tropical storm 热...

  • 北京气温创近20年来新低

    21-01-08 The first cold wave in 2021 features a dramatic temperature drop, significant wind-chill effect and prolonged period of low temperature, said Lei Lei, chief forecaster of the Beijing meteorological station. 北京市气象台首席预报员雷蕾表示,2021年第一...