• 粪便对沙滩的污染不容忽视

    15-07-16 No swimming signs have already popped up this summer along coastlines where fecal bacteria have invaded otherwise inviting waters. Some vacationers ignore the signs while others resign themselves to tanning and playing on the beach. But should those...

  • 史前的某种蜥蜴可在水面爬行

    15-07-07 A newly-discovered, 48-million-year-old fossil, known as a Jesus lizard for its ability to walk on water, may provide insight into how climate change may affect tropical species, according to a study published July 1 in the open-access journal PLOS...

  • 蜘蛛在水面爬行时用蛛丝做锚

    15-07-07 Spiders travel across water like ships, using their legs as sails and their silk as an anchor, according to research published in the open access journal BMC Evolutionary Biology. The study helps explain how spiders are able to migrate across vast d...

  • 楚人涉澭

    15-07-06 Once upon a time, the State of Chu planned to attack the State of Song. But the Yong River was the natural barrier against its surprise attack at night. To overcome this obstacle, the State of Chu sent men to secretly measure the depth of the Yong R...

  • 莫斯科地铁将在热天免费派发水和湿巾

    15-07-03 Staying cool in the heat of an urban summer can be tricky, but Moscow's metro users can now freshen up with free water and wet wipes. 要想在城市的酷暑天里保持凉爽是件棘手的事,但是莫斯科的地铁乘客现在可以通过使用免费水和湿巾来凉爽一夏了。 Officials...

  • 银河系体积仍在不断膨胀

    15-06-29 Astronomers expect that galaxies grow by swallowing smaller galaxies. But the evidence is usually not easy to see -- just as the remains of the water thrown from a glass into a pond will quickly merge with the pond water, the stars in the infalling...

  • 红海深处发现发七色光的珊瑚

    15-06-25 Glowing corals that display a surprising array of colours have been discovered in the deep water reefs of the Red Sea by scientists from the University of Southampton, UK, Tel Aviv University and the Interuniversity Institute for Marine Sciences (IU...

  • 鱼的耳石中暗含洄游信息

    15-06-16 Scientists at the University of Southampton have found a way to pry into the private lives of fish - by looking in their ears. By studying ear stones in fish, which act as tiny data recorders, scientists can now reveal migration patterns and even pr...

  • 运行于水滴中的计算机

    15-06-13 Computers and water typically don't mix, but in Manu Prakash's lab, the two are one and the same. Prakash, an assistant professor of bioengineering at Stanford, and his students have built a synchronous computer that operates using the unique physic...

  • 日本考虑在电梯内配装马桶和紧急饮用水

    15-06-12 Japan is looking into installing toilets and emergency drinking water in buildings' lifts in case people are trapped after earthquakes. 日本考虑在大楼电梯内配装马桶,并提供紧急饮用水,以备有人在地震后被困电梯时使用。 Officials from the country's inf...