• 哥斯达黎加发现277种新茧蜂

    13-11-07 Costa Rica reveals astonishing biodiversity of braconid(茧蜂) wasps, with 277 new species of the tribe Heterospilini described in the latest special issue of the open access journal ZooKeys. This is the second part of an extensive two-part study o...

  • 非洲和马达加斯加发现9种新黄蜂

    13-03-19 A newly published article Revision of the Afrotropical Mayrellinae (Cynipoidea, Liopteridae), with the first record of Paramblynotus from Madagascar by Dr. Simon van Noort, from Natural History Department,Iziko South African Museum, and Dr. Matthew...

  • 欧洲胡蜂体色越艳丽 毒性越强

    12-08-21 European paper wasps(胡蜂) (Polistes dominula) advertise the size of their poison glands to potential predators, finds a new study published in BioMed Central's open access journal Frontiers in Zoology. The brighter the colour, the larger the pois...
