• “副词+形容词”习惯搭配

    22-11-16 在英语中,副词可以修饰动词、形容词、其它副词或整个句子。副词用在形容词前的作用是增加形容词的语气。比如:I am terribly tired. 我累极了。这里,副词 terribly 修饰形容词 tired,强调说话人极其劳累。你能根据下列句子的含义,选出用来加强形容词语气的副词吗?...

  • lagom 适当

    22-10-12 在瑞典,有这么一条社会行为准则,那就是lagom。lagom这个词的大致意思是刚好够、中庸、适当以及其他你可以从字典中找到的同义词。在论及社会行为时,这个词意味着适当地调和,不要极端地表露感情。 First, the Danes brought us hygge - the concept of creating a wa...

  • 好心境

    22-04-15 A long time ago, there was a young man named Billy. Billy inherited the warm and good characteristics of his father. My father had such a good personality. He was the horse-keeper of a funeral carriage. 很久以前,有个年轻人叫比利。比利继承了他父亲脾...