• Northanger Abbey - Chapter 5

    21-11-29 Catherine was not so much engaged at the theatre that evening, in returning the nods and smiles of Miss Thorpe, though they certainly claimed much of her leisure, as to forget to look with an inquiring eye for Mr. Tilney in every box which her eye c...

  • 哪些美食保暖御寒

    21-11-23 天气越来越冷,仅靠一条秋裤已经不能抵御严寒。除了多穿衣服外,还应增加御寒食物的摄入来增强体质,提高防寒能力。那么哪些美食保暖御寒呢? In general, foods that take longer to digest can help raise your body temperature and make you feel warmer. The medi...

  • Emma 爱玛 - Chapter 30

    21-03-17 One thing only was wanting to make the prospect of the ball completely satisfactory to Emma--its being fixed for a day within the granted term of Frank Churchills stay in Surry; for, in spite of Mr. Westons confidence, she could not think it so very...

  • 享受快乐冬天的秘密是什么?

    21-02-25 在白昼渐短,天气转寒的季节,人们很难保持在晴朗夏日时常能感受到的快乐心情。每年,丹麦人都会经历漫长而阴沉的冬日,可是丹麦却被认为是世界上最幸福的国家。你想享受一个舒适而快乐的冬天吗? Imagine this scene: its blowing a gale outside, youre snuggled up...

  • Work: A Story of Experience - Chapter 7

    21-01-24 THE year that followed was the saddest Christie had ever known, for she suffered a sort of poverty which is more difficult to bear than actual want, since money cannot lighten it, and the rarest charity alone can minister to it. Her heart was empty...

  • Work: A Story of Experience - Chapter 2

    21-01-24 A FORTNIGHT later, and Christie was off. Mrs. Flint had briefly answered that she had a room, and that work was always to be found in the city. So the girl packed her one trunk, folding away splendid hopes among her plain gowns, and filling every co...

  • 让现代科技温暖你的冬日

    21-01-07 在科技并不发达的过去,人们可能会为如何在严寒天气里更好地保暖而倍感困扰。现如今,每值严冬时节,虽然温度骤降、天气恶劣,但随着各类智能保暖产品的问世,冬天也能变得舒适宜人。人们凭借科学技术发明了各式各样的防寒方法。比如,用智能电子设备调节屋内和衣物的...

  • as snug as a bug in a rug 非常舒适

    21-01-05 表达 as snug as a bug in a rug 的字面意思是 像裹在毯子里的虫子一样舒服,它实际用来形容某人 感到非常温暖、惬意和舒适。在室外天气非常寒冷的情况下,这个表达可以突出强调某人呆在温暖的室内,感到很舒适。这个表达也可以被缩略为 as snug as a bug。 例句 Its r...

  • 副词+形容词习惯搭配

    20-12-06 1. The temperatures for the next week will be _______ cold, so make sure you put on some warm clothes. a) entirely b) highly c) bitterly d) heavily 2. The plan to replace the local library with a pizza restaurant was _______ controversial. a) entire...

  • 近几十年全球海洋热含量加倍

    16-01-20 Lawrence Livermore scientists, working with National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and university colleagues, have found that half of the global ocean heat content increase since 1865 has occurred over the past two decades. In recent decade...