• 《沉睡魔咒》第4章

    23-01-28 King Henry lay in bed, dozens of councilmen and generals surrounding him. From an alcove, Stefan watched the scene, lighting the last candelabra. He had to lean in closely to hear what the weakened king was saying. When I took the throne, I promised...

  • 《海底总动员-2》第7章

    22-12-26 Outside the Institute, Marlin was freaking out. Are you absolutely sure thats what I said? Go wait over there and forget. Its what you do best? Yeah, Dad, said Nemo. I said that? he asked again. You said that, Dory swam to the surface, and then she...

  • 放狠话

    22-06-28 1. Just wait and see. I wont let you get away with that. 咱们走着瞧。我不会让你得逞的。 2. Youll be sorry. 你会后悔的。 3. Youre gonna get whats coming to you. 你会得到报应的。 4. Dont mess with me! / Dont get fresh with me! 不要惹我!/ 给我放尊重一...

  • 预定餐厅

    22-06-14 当你找到想去的餐厅时,却发现早已人满为患了,门口还排了长长的队伍是不是很心塞?不妨提前跟餐厅打个电话预定一下吧!用英语打个电话我会紧张死的!想必这是很多小伙伴的心声,不要担心!参考下面的餐厅预定英文吧~ Do I need a reservation? 我需要预约位子吗? Id l...

  • 我想你了

    22-05-26 I miss you. 我想你。 回答1: You didnt miss me, you found me! 你没有错过我,你拥有了我! (一语双关用的不错) 回答2: Yeah, I miss my self too. 是啊,我也想我自己呢。 (这自恋没谁了) 回答3: How can I miss you if you never go away? 你总是这么黏人,...