• 墨西哥波波卡特佩特火山可能将爆发

    12-04-18 Mexico has raised the alert level around the huge Popocatepetl volcano, after it began spewing ash and steam. 墨西哥波波卡特佩特火山开始喷出灰尘与蒸汽,政府提高了周边地区的警戒程度。 Tens of thousands of people live in the shadow of the volcano Seve...

  • 智利火山灰波及到更多地区

    11-06-15 Flights in South America, Australia and New Zealand are still being disrupted by ash from a volcano in Chile, affecting thousands of passengers. 南美洲、澳大利亚以及新西兰的航班仍受智利火山灰的影响,数千游客被滞留。 Hopes of a resumption of air trav...

  • 智利火山灰影响到新西兰航班

    11-06-12 Flights to and from Tasmania and parts of New Zealand have been cancelled as ash from a volcano erupting in Chile drifts across the region. 受智利火山灰的影响,进出塔斯马尼亚岛以及新西兰部分地区的所有航班被迫取消。 Australian airline Qantas cancelle...

  • 智利火山爆发迫使多座机场航班停飞

    11-06-10 A cloud of ash spewed from a volcano range in Chile has grounded flights at airports in Argentina and Uruguay. 智利一条火山链喷发的烟尘迫使阿根廷和乌干达多座机场的航班停飞。 All flights from the Argentine capital Buenos Aires and many from Montevide...

  • 智利火山链爆发 数千居民撤离

    11-06-05 A chain of volcanoes has erupted in southern Chile, forcing the evacuation of thousands of residents. 智利南部地区一连串火山爆发,当地数千居民被迫撤离。 The Puyehue-Cordon-Caulle volcano range was last active in 1960 Large columns of smoke have been...

  • 冰岛火山灰迫使德国机场关闭

    11-05-25 Germany is closing its northern airspace on Wednesday because of ash from an erupting volcano in Iceland, officials say. 德国官员称,冰岛火山爆发所带来的浮尘迫使德国在本周三关闭北部的机...

  • 通古拉瓦火山即将喷发

    11-04-27 Ecuador has declared an amber alert after the Tungurahua volcano started spewing ash again. 通古拉瓦火山再次喷出火山灰,厄瓜多尔因此发布安珀警报。 This is the first significant activity from the Tungurahua volcano this year A plume more than 7km (4....

  • 厄瓜多尔通古拉瓦火山即将爆发

    10-12-06 The authorities in Ecuador have begun evacuating people from the slopes of the Tungurahua volcano after it started spewing ash. 厄瓜多尔官方已经开始疏散通古拉瓦火山附近的居民,目前该火山正在喷射岩灰。 Scientists say pyroclastic flow from the volcano...

  • 火山数月的不稳定预示其即将爆发

    10-11-19 Months of volcanic restlessness(不安定) preceded(在前面) the eruptions this spring of Icelandic volcano Eyjafjallajkull, providing insight into what roused(唤醒) it from its centuries of slumber(睡眠) . An international team of researchers a...

  • 印尼默拉皮火山再度爆发 49人死亡

    10-11-05 At least 49 people have been killed in the latest eruption of Indonesia's Mount Merapi volcano - more than doubling the death toll since it became active again last week. 印尼默拉皮火山最近一次爆发致使至少49人死亡该数字是自从上周该火山爆发以来死亡人...