• 为视力障碍者设计能摸的 “画”

    21-09-14 Art tends to be, by its very nature, a visual medium. A display of colour and light, texture and contrast. 就其本质而言,艺术往往是一种视觉媒介,是对色彩、光线、质地和反差的一种展现。 But galleries like this have long struggled to cater for those wh...

  • 专注眼前事物 可能会短暂失聪

    16-03-08 A new scientific study from the University College London has found that humans may be rendered temporarily deaf when they're simultaneously focusing on something visual. 伦敦大学学院最新的研究发现,人们在专注于眼前事物时,可能会出现短暂性的失聪症状...

  • 为何距离远近不影响对物体形状的感知

    15-09-29 A group of researchers at Osaka University found that neurons in the monkey visual cortical area V4*1, one of the areas in the visual cortex, calculate the size of an object based on information on its retinal image size and the distance from the ob...