• 梅兰妮亚竟点赞调侃她与丈夫关系的推文

    17-05-07 Melania Trump used to be quite a prolific tweeter. 梅兰妮亚特朗普曾经是一名活跃的推特用户。 However, since her husband got in the Oval Office her account has become quite quiet, shes seemingly transfered most of her activity to @FLOTUS. That all cha...

  • 牛津辞典收录1200多条新近新词

    13-06-21 《牛津英语辞典》最近公布了新近收录和修订的1200多个词条,关注(follow)、粉丝(follower)、快闪族(flash mob),以及美剧《生活大爆炸》中常用到的极客范儿(geekery)等词均被收录其中。 The terms tweet, dad dancing and geekery are among more than 1,200 n...

  • Re-tweet depression 微博欠转抑郁症

    13-04-27 Re-tweet depression describes the situation that you are often thrown into bouts of manic depression when you discover that your tweets/micro blog have not been re-tweeted/reposted enough. This depression often deepens when you find that your blog p...

  • 英国会议员热衷发Twitter

    11-08-07 Film stars do it, teenagers do it and now even MPs are falling head over heels in love with Twitter. 电影明星织围脖,青少年织围脖,如今,英国众多国会议员也成为推特控。 They spend 1,000 hours a year chatting to constituents, friends and even complete...
