• 五个“音乐”词汇:tune, tone, note, pitch, notation

    22-12-01 我们先听一个简短的音频,通过音频中的故事,来帮助大家理解这些词语在含义和用法上的区别。 Example I went to a concert last night, and ever since, theres been a particular tune that I cant stop singing! The tone of the orchestra was superb. The main per...

  • 和唱歌有关的英语表达

    22-02-15 carry a tune 唱得准,发音正确 Neither of my brothers can carry a tune, but my sister is a good singer. 我的兄弟们唱歌都不成调,但我妹妹唱歌唱得很好。 out of tune 走调,音调不准 He sings out of tune. 他唱歌跑调了。 sing off key唱歌跑调 Dont butcher t...

  • 关于音乐的一些习语 下

    22-02-08 7 - change your tune改变论调 例句: He was against the idea to start with, but he soon changed his tune when he realized how much money hed get. 一开始他反对这个主意,可是等他意识到自己能赚到那么多钱时就立刻改变了态度。 8 - and all that jazz以及诸如...

  • 关于音乐的一些习语 上

    22-02-08 1 - sing off key唱歌跑调 例句: Dont butcher that song by singing off key. 别唱走调而糟蹋了那首歌。 2 - carry a tune唱得准 例句: Neither of my brothers can carry a tune, but my sister is a good singer. 我的兄弟们唱歌都不成调,但我妹妹唱歌唱得很好。...

  • be out of tune 跑调儿

    21-11-19 K歌是朋友聚会的首选娱乐活动,在KTV里,你是麦霸,还是跑调儿歌王? 跑调儿,也称走调,意思为演唱或演奏时发出的音调不准(singing or playing notes that are at the wrong pitch),英文翻译为be out of tune,strike a wrong note。 例句: 恐怕这架钢琴走调了。...

  • tone deaf 五音不全

    21-03-16 tone deaf 五音不全 让我们先来分别看一看这两个词的意思~ tone /ton/ n.音质,音色 deaf /def/ adj.聋的 tone加上deaf,这个意思不就是:叫我听你唱歌,我还不如聋了呢! 这也太狠了吧! Im tone deaf. Im the worst singer ever. 我五音不全,唱歌超级渣。 She cant...

  • 挥之不去的旋律

    20-10-18 1. Its an earworm. 这旋律真是挥之不去。 Earworm耳朵虫指常在耳边回响的歌曲或旋律,就好像虫子一样在脑海里钻来钻去。 2. Its a really catchy tune. 这曲子既动听又朗朗上口。 形容词catchy的意思是朗朗上口的,动听好记的。在谈论和音乐有关的话题时,catchy多用...

  • Jane Eyre 简爱 Chapter 10

    14-09-28 HITHERTO I have recorded in detail the events of my insignificant existence: to the first ten years of my life I have given almost as many chapters. But this is not to be a regular autobiography: I am only bound to invoke Memory where I know her res...

  • The Music language

    09-09-30 A painter hangs his or her finished pictures on a wall, and everyone can see it. A composer writes a work, but no one can hear it until it is performed. Professional singers and players have great responsibilities, for the composer is utterly depend...
