• 自然报告:金枪鱼部分品种数量回升,鲨鱼和鳐数量下降

    21-10-14 根据 IUCN(世界自然保护联盟)的一份最新报告,一度濒临灭绝的几种金枪鱼的数量开始回升。在法国马赛召开的 IUCN 世界自然保护大会上,该组织更新了它们的 濒危物种红色名录。 A decade ago, all seven types of tuna were deemed at serious risk of extinction. Tha...

  • 寿司对环境和人体健康都有害

    17-04-05 Its a staple lunch-choice for city-workers all over the country and youre never far from a restaurant or supermarket selling the traditional Japanese delicacy. 寿司现在是英国大小城市上班族的主要午餐选择,附近随便哪家餐厅或超市都在卖这种传统日本美食...

  • 日本单条金枪鱼卖出170万美元

    13-01-05 A single bluefin tuna has sold in Japan for 155m yen ($1.7m), almost triple the record price set last year. 日本一条金枪鱼已1550万日元(170万美元)的价格出售,差不多是去年创下的记录的三倍。 Kiyoshi Kimura stumped up almost three times as much as he...

  • 金枪鱼烤土豆

    12-11-26 Baked potato with tuna ( serves one) Preparation time: 2 minutes Cooking time: 1.5 hours Large baking potato Can of tuna Tablespoon of mayonnaise (optional) Knob of butter(optional) Salt and pepper to season Wash the potato, dry off and pierce skin...
