• 如何区分journey和trip

    21-06-02 名词 journey 和 trip 都有 旅行,旅程 的意思,但它们所描述的 旅行 有一定的区别。在使用时,通常可以根据行程的长短和出行方式来决定用哪个词更合适。 用法总结 1 名词 journey 指 一段旅程、旅途,即乘坐一种交通工具从一地到另一地。它强调 单次行程。 The journe...

  • budget strictly 精打细算

    21-05-30 精打细算,汉语成语,意思是精密地计划、详细地计算,指在使用人力、物力时计算得很精细。可以翻译为careful calculation and strict budgeting,careful and meticulous calculations或budget strictly。 例句: 我们精打细算一点,就能够负担这次旅行。 If we budget...

  • racecation 比赛休假

    17-09-14 Racecation refers to a trip that combines participating in a race, such as a marathon or triathlon, and a vacation. 比赛休假指的是途中要参加比赛的旅行,比如在假期行程中参加马拉松或三项全能比赛。 Who said running is all work and no play? Yes, trainin...

  • 李克强在陕西省视察工作

    17-07-11 Chinese Premier Li Keqiang on Monday inspected an agricultural technology innovation zone in Shaanxi province. 中国国务院总理李克强周一视察了陕西省一座农业技术创新示范区。 During his visit, the premier encouraged farmers to make good use of technolo...

  • bedgasm 床铺高潮

    17-06-02 Bedgasm is a feeling of complete and utter euphoria which peaks when climbing into bed at the end of an 18-hour workday, a long road trip or hours of extremely strenuous physical activity. 工作了18个小时,长途旅行过后,或者进行了几个小时极度辛苦的体...

  • 4个含有一点儿“否定”意思的词

    17-01-22 1. check 避免,中止 They have begun to vaccinate children in an attempt to check the spread of the disease. 为了控制疾病的蔓延,他们开始给孩子注射疫苗。 He couldnt check his anger to see such cruelty to children. 看到儿童遭到如此残忍对待,他怒不可遏...

  • Set-jetting 影视主题游

    16-08-24 Set-jetting is the trend of traveling to destinations that are first seen in movies or TV series. For instance, touring London in a high-speed boat like James Bond, or visiting the stately homes that are seen in the Jane Austen films. The term was f...

  • flash play 闪玩

    15-11-11 Tweaking the idea of flash mob is flash play , this term means a form of trip in which people find companions quickly through the Internet, and use advanced transportation like airplane to travel to another city together. 把快闪(flash mob)稍作改动...

  • high-speed train trip 高铁游记

    15-09-24 In association with Xinhuanet, the China Railway Corporation has launched a high-speed train travelogue program for the Mid-Autumn Festival and National Day holidays, which are peak travel periods, to promote its new high-speed train trip campaign....

  • return trip effect 返程效应

    15-08-06 Return trip effect refers to the illusion that the return trip takes less time than the initial trip, even when the distance and actual time of both trips are the same. 返程效应指的是一种错觉,总觉得返程用时间比去程的时间短,而其实路程距离和所花的时...