• the apple doesn't fall far from the tree 有其父必有其子

    22-07-04 The apple doesnt fall far from the tree 苹果掉不到离树太远的地方 含义: 一个人与其父母在行为或外貌特征方面非常相似;有其父(母)必有其子(女)。 例句: Jennas mother is a surgeon, and her father is also a doctor. Jenna will graduate from medical schoo...

  • bark up the wrong tree 弄错了的目标

    22-07-04 Bark up the wrong tree 冲着不是目标的树汪汪叫 含义: 在不对头的地方寻找;弄错了的目标。 例句: John wanted me to get him a job. Hes barking up the wrong tree. I dont have that kind of power at my office. 约翰要我帮他找份工作,但他找错了人。我在办公室...

  • “自相矛盾”的英语单词 1

    22-05-26 1. sanction制裁批准 Economic sanctions will only be lifted when the aggressor nation withdraws its troops. 只有侵略国撤回其军队,经济制裁才会解除。 They tried to get official sanction for the scheme. 他们想使计划获得正式批准。 2. overlook检查;监视...

  • cash cow 摇钱树

    22-03-23 摇钱树,神话中的一种宝树,一摇晃就有许多钱落下来(legendary tree that sheds coins when shaken),后多用来比喻可借以源源不断地获取钱财的事物(something that can easily create a supply of money),可以对应英文里的cash cow或money tree。 例句: 这些电影...

  • 《延禧攻略》10句扎心台词

    22-03-01 1. 我常听说宫里的事福祸相依,到底是好事还是祸事,还不一定呢! I often hear that in the palace the good things and bad things are closely associated. So, no one knows exactly what will happen. *andare closely associated:和息息相关 2. 在这个紫禁城里,...

  • bite off more than one can chew 自不量力

    22-01-22 自不量力,亦作不自量力,意思是自己不估量自己的能力,指过高地估计自己的力量(overestimate ones own strength or ability),与英文谚语bite off more than one can chew意思相近,表示to take (on) more than one can deal with; to be overconfident。 例句: 我...

  • GLAZE ICE 雨凇

    21-12-06 GLAZE ICE 雨凇 When falling precipitation hits a surface thats below freezing, it can instantly form whats known as glaze ice, a buildup of smooth, clear, and transparent ice. It can be seen coating tree branches and plants following an ice storm....

  • 5个关于人类大脑的假传言

    21-10-14 人类的大脑只开发了10%这一说法广为流传,许多人甚至对此深信不疑。然而事实果真如此吗?听古典音乐真的可以让人变聪明吗?下面5个关于人类大脑的传言其实都是假的。 1. A BIGGER BRAIN IS A BETTER BRAIN. 大脑越大越聪明。 Nope. After all, humans believe were the...

  • the apple does not fall far from the tree 有其父必有其子

    21-07-19 The apple does not fall far from the tree 是一句英语谚语,直译是苹果不会掉在离树很远的地方,实际的含义是父母是什么样,孩子也是什么样。需要注意的是这句谚语带有贬义,和中文里有其父必有其子的概念一样。 例句 A: I cant believe Jack has been called into t...

  • 致橡树

    21-06-17 致橡树 To The Oak Tree 舒婷 我如果爱你 If I love you 绝不像攀援的凌霄花, I wont wind upon you like a trumpet creeper 借你的高枝炫耀自己; upvalue myself by your height 我如果爱你 If I love you 绝不学痴情的鸟儿, I will never follow a spoony bird 为...