• 黄蜻是世界上飞行距离最远的生物

    16-03-03 A dragonfly barely an inch and a half long appears to be animal world's most prolific long distance traveler - flying thousands of miles over oceans as it migrates from continent to continent - according to newly published research. Biologists at Ru...

  • bleisure 商务休闲游

    15-11-18 Bleisure traveler is a term used to define professionals who are shunning the all-work-and-no-fun grind of business trips by mixing them with vacation time. They may add a few extra days before or after business trips to explore each destination, an...

  • silent traveler 沉默旅行者

    15-03-16 Silent traveler has almost no direct interaction with a destination's tourism industry, preferring instead to navigate, make arrangements, and find information using a mobile device. 沉默旅行者与旅行目的地的旅游行业几乎没有直接互动,他们更喜欢使用移...

  • Unbearable 受不了了

    14-08-13 A traveler came to a small Middle Western town. He decided to stay for a few days. When he was about to write his name on the hotel register, he saw a bedbug crawling across the page. It is really unbearable, he said, flinging down the pen. I've bee...

  • A stingy traveler 节俭的旅行家

    14-08-05 Once a traveler wanted to visit Springfield by train. He went up to a ticket window and said to the conductor, I want a ticket for Springfield. Which Springfield? asked the conductor, Springfield, Massachusetts; Springfield, Ohio; Springfield, Misso...

  • 英国机场试行“裸体扫描”

    09-10-17 英国曼彻斯特机场近日引入了一套X光人体扫描安检设备,以帮助安检人员迅速发现乘客身上藏匿的武器或爆炸物,同时省去了传统手检时需要脱衣、脱鞋的繁冗程序。因为这套全身扫描设备可以清晰照射出人体的裸体轮廓,隐私部位均显露无疑,所以有些乘客不愿意接受这样的检查...
