• transfer 转(账)

    21-10-26 这里的转不是转弯的意思,所以不能直译为turn,其意思是转移,要用transfer。 例句: Mr. Smith transferred 5000 yuan into my account. 史密斯先生将5000元钱转到了我的账上。 A: Id like to transfer $1000 to my savings account. 我想转1000美元到我的储蓄账户中...

  • 除if以外表条件的短语和单词

    20-12-06 1. But _______ the money transfer isnt successful? a) unless b) even if c) in case d) what if 2. We can give you a refund for the jeans _______ you provide the receipt. a) supposed b) on the condition that c) unless d) in case 3. The PC will be safe...

  • inter-generational billionaire wealth transfer 亿万富豪财富

    16-12-17 China led Asia in creating billionaires last year and is set to undergo its first inter-generational billionaire wealth transfer , industrial research showed Thursday. 周四(10月13日)发布的行业研究报告显示,去年,中国的造富能力在亚洲处于领先地位,...

  • government functions 政府功能

    14-09-02 Beijing's neighboring Hebei province is planning to step up development of Baoding city as preparations are made to transfer some government functions there from congested Beijing. 北京邻省河北计划加快发展保定市,以准备好承接过度拥挤的首都北京的部分...

  • 科学家研发出新的混合能源转移系统

    14-05-28 Scientists from the University of Southampton, in collaboration with the Universities of Sheffield and Crete, have developed a new hybrid energy transfer system, which mimics the processes responsible for photosynthesis(光合作用) . From photosynth...

  • 无线电力传输的关键因素

    13-08-01 What happens to a resonant(洪亮的,共振的) wireless power transfer system in the presence of complex electromagnetic environments, such as metal plates? A team of researchers explored the influences at play in this type of situation, and they desc...

  • 公交管理词汇

    12-09-24 随车调查 survey on vehicle(在运行车辆上逐站记上下车人数的调查方法) 驻站调查 survey at stop, survey at station(在停车站上人工测定每个车次载客量的方法) 询问调查 inquiring survey(通过询问方式,了解每个乘客上下车地点的调查) 月票调查 monthly ticket...

  • transfer assets overseas 非法转移财产

    12-01-09 Corrupt officials and company executives in China transfer their assets overseas through at least eight channels, according to a report released on Monday by the Anti-Money Laundering Monitoring and Analysis Center set up by the People's Bank of Chi...

  • Pigeon transfers data faster than South Africa's Telkom 南非

    09-09-12 由于当地网络传输速度太慢,南非首都约翰内斯堡一家信息技术公司改用信鸽帮其传送数据卡,结果证明,信鸽的传送速度果然比网络要快。据当地媒体报道,这只11个月大的信鸽飞抵目的地用了1小时8分钟的时间,如果加上数据下载的时间,此次传输总共用了2小时6分钟57秒。如...
