• 美国首条高铁将在加州开工

    12-07-16 美国加州参议院上周以21票对16票通过了一项高速铁路资金提案,这条全长209公里的铁路向两端延伸后将连接洛杉矶和旧金山两大城市,形成美国国内首条高速铁路,总造价预计在680亿美元左右。 California lawmakers have approved financing for a bullet train that would...

  • 《败犬求婚日》四

    12-05-07 影片对白 Declan: There. Ballycarbery Castle. It's one of the 10 wonders of Ireland, so I'm told. Can only be 15 minutes to the top. Anna: I don't want to miss the train. Declan: Yeah, well, that's a good point. Don't miss the train. Anna: No. Declan...

  • 德国发生列车相撞事故 3人死亡

    12-04-13 Three people died and another 13 were injured when a German regional train collided with a works engine near the town of Offenbach early on Friday. 本周五早上,德国奥芬巴赫城附近一列地方列车与一辆工作机车相撞,造成两人死亡、13人受伤。 The works engi...

  • ultimatum 最后通牒

    12-02-23 Chinese authorities said on Sunday that it is baseless speculation to say that an ultimatum had been given to force relatives of those who died in a fatal high-speed train crash in east China to agree to accept government compensation. 周日中国政府...

  • stand the test of history 经受住历史考验

    12-02-23 Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao promised the investigation into the fatal train crash will offer a result that could stand the test of history. 国务院总理温家宝承诺,对此次动车追尾重大事故的调查结果将经受住历史考验。 文中的stand the test of history就是指...

  • rear-end 追尾

    12-02-15 The accident occurred at about 8:30 pm Saturday on a viaduct near the city of Wenzhou in Zhejiang when bullet train D301 rear-ended D3115. 上周六晚8点半,浙江温州市附近一座高架桥上发生动车追尾事故,D301次列车与D3115次列车追尾。 文中的rear-end就是指...

  • High-speed train attendants 高姐

    12-01-18 High-speed train attendants ready for service: The crew on the rail route were selected from numerous applicants and have undergone rigorous training. 高铁开通在即,高姐整装待命:高铁线路上的乘务员都是从无数应聘者中海选出来的,而且已经经过了严格训练...

  • It depends 看情况

    12-01-10 Traveler: Can I catch the three o'clock train to Toronto? Ticket agent: That depends on how fast you can run. It left fifteen minutes ago. 旅行者:我还能赶上3点钟那班到多伦多的火车吗? 售票员:那得看你跑得有多快。火车15分钟前开出。...

  • Relish the Moment

    11-12-21 Tucked away in our subconscious(潜意识的) is an idyllic(牧歌的) vision. We see ourselves on a long trip that spans the continent. We are traveling by train. Out the windows, we drink in the passing scene of cars on nearby highways, of children w...

  • 阿根廷发生公车与火车相撞事故 11人死亡

    11-09-14 At least 11 people have died in Argentina after a train slammed into a bus crossing the tracks and then hit a second train coming into a station. 阿根廷一列火车撞倒一辆正在穿越轨道的公共汽车,随后又撞倒一辆进站列车,事故造成至少11人死亡。 More than...