• 越来越多的男性开始打美容针

    17-05-22 More and more men are jumping on the Botox train - and are finding all sorts of reasons to give the toxin a try. 越来越多的男性开始加入了注射肉毒杆菌的行列,还为自己的尝试寻找各种理由。 An impressive 453,281 male patients got botulinum toxin injecti...

  • 桉树叶子毒素与营养成分影响考拉分布

    14-12-04 Koala population distribution may be influenced by eucalyptus leaf toxin and nutrient content, especially in areas with low-quality food options, according to a study published December 3, 2014 in the open-access journal PLOS ONE by Eleanor Stalenbe...

  • 肌萎缩患者脑细胞中的毒素会使神经元脱失

    14-02-08 In most cases of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis ( ALS肌萎缩侧索硬化症 ), or Lou Gehrig's disease, a toxin released by cells that normally nurture neurons in the brain and spinal cord can trigger loss of the nerve cells affected in the disease, Columb...

  • 血凝块可以吸收细菌毒素

    13-12-11 Blood clots play an unexpected role in protecting the body from the deadly effects of bacteria by absorbing bacterial toxins, researchers at the University of California, Davis, have found. The research was published Dec. 2 in the journal PLoS ONE....

  • 食蝗鼠对蝎子蜇无疼痛感

    13-10-25 The painful, potentially deadly stings of bark scorpions are nothing more than a slight nuisance(损害) to grasshopper mice, which voraciously(狼吞虎咽地) kill and consume their prey with ease. When stung, the mice briefly lick their paws and mov...

  • 某新研究可用于对付超级病菌

    11-10-14 Targeting a toxin(毒素) released by virtually all strains of MRSA could help scientists develop new drugs that can fight the superbug, research suggests. A study led by the University of Edinburgh has discovered the toxin -- SElX -- which leads th...

  • 非洲黄冠鼠利用有毒植物抵御捕食者

    11-08-03 Woe to the clueless predator trying to make a meal of the African crested rat, a rodent(啮齿类) that applies poisonous plant toxin to sponge-like hairs on its flanks, a discovery recently made by Jonathan Kingdon and colleagues from the National M...

  • 人造化学酶可中和自然毒素

    10-08-27 For the first time ever, a completely man-made chemical enzyme(酶) has been successfully used to neutralise(中和,使无效) a toxin found naturally in fruits and vegetables. While studying for her PhD in chemistry at the University of Copenhagen D...

  • 基因筛选有助致病菌的甄别

    09-11-27 Whitehead researchers have developed a new type of genetic screen for human cells to pinpoint specific genes and proteins used by pathogens(病原体), according to their paper in Science. In most human cell cultures genes are present in two copies:...
