• 与舌头有关的习语

    15-06-18 give tongue 直言无忌,明确地表示出来 hold one's tongue 沉默不语,住嘴 keep a civil tongue 措词谨慎,说话文雅,说话彬彬有礼 with one's tongue in one's cheek 假心假意地;(说话)无诚意地;言不由衷地 bite the tongue 保持缄默,不做声 have lost one's tongu...

  • Justine 淑女的眼泪 Chapter 56

    15-06-15 Upon returning to our inn I explained as best I could the history of this unfortunate acquaintance; but whether my companion was not at all satisfied by what I told her, or whether she may perhaps have been exceedingly annoyed by my virtuous perform...

  • Justine 淑女的眼泪 Chapter 55

    15-06-15 The opaque ambiguity of these phrases, what Dubois had said to me upon entering, the species of gentleman with whom I had to do, this other girl whose forthcoming appearance had been announced, all this instantly troubled my imagination to a degree...

  • Mondegreen 误听

    15-05-13 说到这个萌词就不能不提它的发明者:美国女作家Sylvia Wright。1954年11月,Wright在《Harper's Magazine》上发表的《萌得绿女士之死》一文中首次使用这个词。她说,小时候妈妈给她读Percy的《Reliques》一诗时,她总把第四句听成And Lady Mondegreen(实际上是And lai...

  • A Bad Doctor 庸医

    15-01-06 A man walked into a doctor's examining room. Put out your tongue, the doctor said. The man put out his tongue and the doctor said. O.K. You can put your tongue back now. the doctor said. It's clear what's wrong with you. You need more exercise. But,...

  • 口腔疾病常用表达

    14-12-04 He has some problems with his teeth. 他牙齿有问题。 The tooth hurts only when he bites down on it. 他咬东西时,牙齿就痛。 His gums are red and swollen. 他的牙床红肿。 His tongue is red and sore all over. 他的舌头到处红和痛。 He has pain in his teeth...

  • I've Just Bitten My Tongue

    14-05-19 Are we poisonous? the young snake asked his mother. Yes, dear, she replied, Why do you ask? Cause I've just bitten my tongue! 我们有毒吗?一个年幼的蛇问它的母亲。 是的,亲爱的,她回答说,你问这个干什么? 因为我刚刚咬破自己的舌头。...

  • 美食极客用冰淇淋演奏音乐

    14-03-16 冰淇淋既可以作为赢得小联赛的奖励,也可以用来抚慰分手后的悲伤。然而,在美食极客的手中,冰淇淋还可以成为一种美味的乐器。设计师Carla Diana和Emilie Baltz近来发起了一场音乐表演,一群四重奏演奏者聚集在一起,仅用一夸脱香草冰淇淋和一些高科技蛋筒进行表演。 I...

  • 英国女生为学韩语 手术拉长舌头

    11-08-15 英国一名19岁的女生因痴迷韩国文化而苦学韩语,但是因为舌头比一般人短,致使她韩语发音一直不能很地道,为此,她特意通过外科手术将舌头拉长。 Student Rhiannon Brooksbank-Jones dreams of living and working in South Korea once she finishes university, even t...

  • 新发明电子舌可辨别多种起泡酒

    11-07-29 Researchers at Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona have developed an electronic tongue which can identify different types of cava wines, thanks to a combination of sensor systems and advanced mathematical procedures. The device automatically produces...