• 细胞形状影响躯体受损组织修复

    14-02-10 Getting in the right shape might be just as important in a biology lab as a gym. Shape is thought to play an important role in the effectiveness of cells grown to repair or replace damaged tissue in the body. To help design new structures that enabl...

  • 哺乳动物的指尖有超强的再生能力

    13-06-16 Mammals possess the remarkable ability to regenerate a lost fingertip, including the nail, nerves and even bone. In humans, an amputated fingertip can sprout back in as little as two months, a phenomenon that has remained poorly understood until now...

  • 新技术将使纳米粒子输送药物高效化

    13-05-08 A Wayne State University researcher has successfully tested a technique that can lead to more effective use of nanoparticles as a drug delivery system. Joshua Reineke, Ph.D., assistant professor of pharmaceutical sciences in the Eugene Applebaum Col...

  • 新方法生成人体组织工程载体支架

    12-02-13 Researchers at Northwestern University have developed a new method for creating scaffolds(支架) for tissue engineering applications, providing an alternative that is more flexible and less time-intensive than current technology. A paper describing...

  • 利用激光同时多点清除机体组织

    11-09-14 Researchers at Vanderbilt University have developed a new technique that uses a single UV laser pulse to zap(攻击,打败) away biological tissue at multiple points simultaneously, a method that could help scientists study the mechanical forces at w...

  • 利用胚胎干细胞培育肺组织取得突破

    10-08-20 The first successful report of using cell-depleted lung as a natural growth matrix(矩阵,模型) for generating new rat lung from embryonic stem cells is presented in a breakthrough article in Tissue Engineering, Part A, a peer-reviewed journal publ...

  • 研究人员精准找到影响饮食和性欲的干细胞

    10-07-22 New research, published in the journal Development, by Dr. Anthony-Samuel LaMantia, professor of Pharmacology Physiology and director of the newly formed GW Institute for Neuroscience, and his colleagues have identified the stem cells that generate...

  • 耶鲁科学家完成老鼠内脏器官3D模型

    10-06-25 Yale University engineers have for the first time created 3D models of whole intact(完整的) mouse organs, a feat(功绩,壮举) they accomplished using fluorescence microscopy(荧光显微法) . The team reports its findings in the May/June issue of t...

  • 耶鲁科学家创造出再生肺组织

    10-06-25 A Yale University-led team of scientists reports that it has achieved an important first step in regenerating fully functional lung tissue that can exchange gas, which is the key role of the lungs. Their paper appears in the June 24 issue of Science...

  • 人造组织新培育方法问世

    10-05-14 Tissue engineering has long held promise for building new organs to replace damaged livers, blood vessels(血管) and other body parts. However, one major obstacle is getting cells grown in a lab dish to form 3-D shapes instead of flat layers. Resea...