• 关于他人外表不该说的话

    22-08-12 1. Dont say: You look tired. Why: It implies she doesnt look good. Instead say: Is everything OK? We often blurt the tired comment when we get the sense that the other person feels out of sorts. So just ask. 不要说You look tired.(你看上去很累。)...

  • 接地气儿的习语 10

    22-07-06 Sick and tired 厌烦了 例句: I eat burgers almost everyday. Im getting sick and tired of them. 我基本上天天吃汉堡,都吃腻了。 Get on ones nerves 使人心烦意乱 例句: Will you please stop doing that? Its getting on my nerves. 你能不能停下来,搅得我心...

  • to be dog tired 累趴下,累成狗

    22-06-24 1.To be dog tiredto be exhausted. 累趴下,累成狗 例句:I have worked 70 hours this week. I am dog tired. 我这周工作了70个小时。我都累趴下了。 2.Let the cat out of the bag to reveal a secret. 透露秘密 例句:Great! George in Finance knows about our ne...

  • 无语

    21-11-15 生活中,我们总会经历一些很无语的事情,让你既郁闷又无奈,只想翻白眼(roll ones eyes)。 无语作为网络语言本意是没有话讲(have nothing to say),在网络中引申为由于过度愤怒、震惊、失望等情绪而说不出话来(unable to speak because you are so angry, shocked...

  • 用脚掌亲吻大地

    21-10-30 It was a day in late December. 那是十二月末的一天 The Christmas tree had been taken down. 圣诞树已经从街头搬走 The lights and decorations had been boxed up 彩灯和装饰物收回了盒子 and put in the closet 放回橱柜里 until next year. 等着明年再取出来 And...

  • 我好无聊

    21-07-01 Im so bored with my job. 我厌烦了我的工作。 I am so bored right now. 我现在好无聊...

  • 如何辨析because、as和since

    21-01-13 1 Because 比 as 和 since 更常见。我们用 because 来强调事情的原因。 Im tired because I didnt sleep very well. 如果想要额外强调原因,可以将 because 引导的从句放在句首。 Because my bed is uncomfortable, Im getting a bad back. 2 As 和 since 比 because...

  • 一些老外常用的本土化表达

    20-10-16 1 Pros and Cons 利与弊 例句: I think there are pros and cons to every candidate. 我认为每个候选人都有他们的利弊。 你也可以进行详细说明利与弊,The pros,the cons 好处在于不好在于 2 sick and tired对某事或者某人感到烦闷或者沮丧 例句: I am sick and tir...

  • 用英文怎么喊累

    17-03-21 1. Dead on ones feet 这个看上去像死在自己脚上的短语,也可以用来形容累到不行。 例:Ann is so tired. Shes really dead on her feet. 安实在太累了,她已经精疲力竭了。 2. Worn out Wear out有穿坏、磨损、耗尽的意思,如果是人被耗尽了,那说的是让人精疲力竭,...

  • Sad 悲伤类情绪

    16-07-07 初级词汇 guilty(内疚的), ashamed(羞愧的), depressed(沮丧的), lonely(孤单的), bored(无聊的), tired(疲惫的) 高级词汇 remorseful(懊悔的), stupid(愚蠢的), inferior(卑微的), isolated(孤立的), apathetic(冷漠的), sleepy(困乏的) 例句...
