• 常用成语翻译 下

    14-02-14 路遥知马力,日久见人心Time will tell. 吃的苦中苦,方知甜中甜no sweet without sweat 车到山前必有路,船到桥头自然直in the end things mend /theres always a way out 急功近利eager for instant success and quick profits 大黑扫黄crack down on gangland and p...

  • Becoming a Book

    14-02-13 Becoming a Book Howard Schwartz When writers die they become books, which is, after all, not too bad an incarnation(化身,典型). -- Jorge Luis Borges for Ben Furnish All these years, without knowing it, I've been preparing for my rebirth as a book...

  • 时间或许可以换到幸福

    14-02-07 While on vacation in distant locales, people often find that time moves quite differently than in the places theyre used to. In the tropics, we settle into the grooves of island time and relax thanks to a more leisurely rhythm. A trip to a big city...

  • just-in-time lifestyle 赶趟儿式生活

    13-12-10 Just-in-time lifestyle is a modern lifestyle in which people expend only the minimum effort to complete a task and rush from one appointment to another. Just-in-time lifestyle是一种现代生活方式,指人们花最少的精力完成一项任务,然后匆匆忙忙从一个约会...

  • The Little Prince

    13-11-29 Oh, little prince! Bit by bit I came to understand the secrets of your only entertainment in the quiet pleasure of looking at the sunset. I learned that new detail on the morning of the fourth day, when you said to me: I am very fond of sunsets. Com...

  • time-sponger 拖拉者

    13-10-31 Positive procrastination is the technique of getting things done by working on one task as a way to procrastinate and avoid doing another task. 故意拖拉是一种执行任务的技巧,为了拖延时间,以避免做下一个任务。 If you want to stop procrastinating, sta...

  • Jack And Jill - Chapter 6

    13-10-28 Surprises Is it pleasant? was the question Jill asked before she was fairly awake on Christmas morning. Yes, dear; as bright as heart could wish. Now eat a bit, and then I'll make you nice for the day's pleasure. I only hope it won't be too much for...

  • The Image-Seller

    13-10-14 A certain man made a wooden image of Mercury, and exposed it for sale in the market. As no one offered to buy it, however, he would try to attract a purchaser by proclaiming the virtues of the image. So he cried up and down the market, A god for sal...

  • Post-Adolescent Idealistic Phase 后青春期理想主义阶段

    13-09-27 Post-Adolescent Idealistic Phase is the time after the pointless teen years in which a young person develops what are called standards and morals. It is a time in which eyes are opened and The Truth suddenly becomes clear. 后青春期理想主义阶段(Post...

  • 《黑衣人3》六

    13-09-23 片段对白 Agent K: (A long pause) Have any specials? Agent J: My associate will have the same thing he always has after he looks at the menu for 10 minutes and asks about specials twice. He's gonna have a slice of apple pie with a nasty piece of ched...