• under someone's thumb 受人控制

    21-12-06 当我们说一个人under someones thumb 在某人的大拇指之下时,实际含义是形容一个人被另一个人控制了,听从另一个人的指挥。 例句 Dont worry about him. Hes under my thumb and will do whatever I tell him. Some people worry that politicians are under the thumb...

  • rule of thumb 经验法则

    21-07-20 Rule of thumb拇指规则实际所表达的意思是经验法则。一般来说,这些法则是凭经验所得来的的方法,并不要求完全精确。请注意,这个表达一般都以单数形式出现,a rule of thumb 或者 the rule of thumb。 例句 As a rule of thumb, we need a cup of flower, a cup of su...

  • 手机控的拇指会比其他人大15%

    16-06-18 One of the trend recently researchers have realized is the thumb size of mobile phone fans. 最近,研究者们意识到了一种趋势,那就是手机控们的拇指大...

  • Home Medical Remedy

    14-12-30 A man walks into his doctor's office and puts a note on the table for the doctor to read. It said, I can't talk! Help me! The doctor nodded sagely, and instructed the man to put his thumb on the table. The man thinks to himself that his thumb has no...

  • thumbstopper 划屏终结者

    14-11-20 Thumbstopper refers to an eye-catching or compelling item that makes a person stop scrolling through a list of posts, particularly when using the thumb to scroll a touchscreen device. 划屏终结者指的就是一个引人注目的产品或新闻,让人们在不断点击新鲜...

  • The Joins

    14-02-26 The Joins Chana Bloch Kintsugi is the Japanese art of mending precious pottery with gold. What's between us often seems flexible as the webbing between forefinger(食指) and thumb. Seems flexible, but it's not; what's between us is made of clay, li...

  • Thumbling as Journeyman

    14-02-10 A certain tailor had a son, who happened to be small, and no bigger than a thumb, and on this account he was always called Thumbling. He had, however, some courage in him, and said to his father, Father, I must and will go out into the world. That's...

  • 研究人员研发新式虚拟键盘布局

    13-04-28 来自英国、德国及美国的研究人员共同研发了一款适合双手拇指同时打字的虚拟键盘应用,能够将平板及智能手机用户的打字速度从现在的每分钟20个字提高到每分钟37个字,而且打字体验更加舒适自如。 Researchers have created a new keyboard layout which they claim make...

  • thumb candy 不用动脑的游戏

    13-04-27 Thumb candy refers to any computer game that requires little thought or strategy and focusing on hand-eye coordination. The term is a play on eye candy, which refers to visually appealing persons or effects. Thumb candy指那些仅考验手眼协调能力无需动...

  • 日本稀有青蛙的前爪暗藏杀机

    12-10-19 Combat-ready spikes which shoot from fingers sounds like the weaponry of a comic book hero, but a Japanese scientist has found exactly this in a rare breed of frog. The discovery, which is published in the Journal of Zoology, reveals how the Otton f...