• 简单的说身材

    22-08-02 形容高,一般用tall 或者 big。形容矮,一般用small多一点,比喻个头...

  • 聊男人身材

    22-07-25 形容 胖 男生如果胖的话可以用overweight(超重的,亦指过胖),这个词是比较中性的词,不像fat那么没有礼貌。 big (一般指又高又胖),现在广大男同胞一般都会有这么一样东西beer belly(啤酒肚)。 久坐不运动也会让你的腰间增加一环华丽的游泳圈(腰部赘肉)--spare tyr...

  • 常见委婉语——胖/瘦/老

    22-05-24 外貌年龄高矮胖瘦和年龄也是人们的敏感点,fat、thin、old这种词当面最好还是不要说,太容易冒犯人(cause offense)。 下面给出一些机智的替代词(alternatives),注意在使用的时候,最好再加上些缓和语气的修饰词,比如a bit或 a little 。 胖(fat)还能怎么说: 1...

  • to skate on thin ice 情况危急,如履薄冰

    21-08-12 To skate on thin ice 在薄冰上溜冰 这个短语实际上是描述某人身处危险境地或是有惹祸上身的可能。 例句 Youre skating on thin ice when you ask me what I think of you. Youre skating on thin ice by always coming in late. By introducing these reforms before...

  • to be on ice 暂缓、搁置

    21-08-10 To be on ice 的意思是暂缓、搁置某个决定或计划。换句话说就是暂时先不考虑某件事了。 例句 Ive had to put my trip to the Caribbean on ice as I need the money to get my car repaired. All development projects are on ice until we receive more funding. 请注...

  • go through thick and thin together 同甘共苦

    21-06-06 同甘共苦,汉语成语,意思是共同享受幸福,共同担当艰苦(share happiness and sufferings)。可以翻译为go through thick and thin together,英文习语through thick and thin表示through good and bad times,也可以翻译为share weal and woe。 例句: 我们同甘共苦...

  • 立即行动是开始的最好方式

    20-08-27 10.Its better than thinking about it. Thinking about something before you do it is a great trait to have. But thinking can also be dangerous when you do too much of it. You can think as much as you like, but thinking isnt going to change the situati...

  • 法国:煽动他人追求瘦削身材将受处罚

    15-04-07 France voted to punish anyone who 'incites' people to become dangerously thin with prison and huge fines. 法国投票通过一项决议,将对任何煽动他人追求极端瘦削身材的人采取监禁和大额罚款处罚。 In a drastic step which will be studied closely in Britain,...

  • Antarctic glacier 'thinning fast' 南极冰川“消融加快”

    09-08-14 One of the largest glaciers in Antarctica is thinning four times faster than it was 10 years ago, according to research seen by the BBC. BBC调查显示,南极洲最大的一块冰川之一融化速度是过去10年的4倍之多。 The changes to the glacier are described as u...
