• Text purgatory 等短信的煎熬

    12-04-05 Text purgatory is the mental suffering you go through when you are waiting for a response to a flirtatious text. 给心仪的人发了邀约短信后,在等待对方回复的那段时间里所经历的那种焦急等待的煎熬就叫text purgatory(暂译等短信的煎熬)。 Purgatory本来是一...

  • 1/10的人通过短信提出分手

    12-01-20 One in ten of us have been dumped by text message, a survey has revealed and a quarter confess to having flirted with someone they shouldn't in a text. 最新调查揭示,1/10的人曾收到分手短信,另有1/4的人坦言曾与不应该的人用短信调情。 So it's perhaps n...

  • 印度电信部门下达限短信令

    11-09-27 The telecoms regulator in India has put a cap on the number of text messages which can be sent from a mobile phone. 印度电信管理部门对用户每日发短信的数量做出了限制。 Under the new rules, no-one will be able to send more than 100 texts in a day, off...

  • 英国诗人称发短信能磨练诗歌创作技巧

    11-09-10 英国女诗人卡罗尔安达菲近日表示,青少年发短信和微博的过程其实是在磨练他们的诗歌创作技巧,诗歌其实是短信和微博的前身。 Children who use social networking sites and text messaging to communicate are perfecting their poetry skills, Carol Ann Duffy, the...

  • Sleekit Cowrin'

    10-07-13 When a caught mouse lay dead, for a week, and stuck to the floor, I started setting the traps on a few of my ex's and my old floral(花的,植物的) salad plates. Late one night, when I see one has sprung, I put it on the porch(门廊,走廊) , to take...

  • 10 Annoying Text Habits to Avoid

    09-11-14 Terrible texting etiquette -- and ways to combat them By Victoria Lowe for Cosmopolitan Unless you're living a seriously alternative lifestyle, you've probably been communicating via text for a while now. You text your friends, your dates -- even yo...

  • Emergency text system goes live 英国:紧急短信服务即将启用

    09-09-15 Trials are under way of a UK service allowing people to contact emergency services by text message. 英国正在进行一项允许人们用短信联系紧急服务机构的试验。 The SMS triggers a relay call service to the emergency services The system is aimed at people...

  • "Sexting" craze on the rise among children 英青少年发“性短

    09-08-08 A text message is typed into a phone in a file photo. A growing number of British teenagers are swapping sexually explicit images of themselves on mobile phones leaving them open to bullying and victimization by their peers, police and a children's...

  • Voice technology firm hits back 声讯企业回应抨击

    09-07-25 Voice-to-text firm Spinvox has reacted to BBC allegations over its technology, finances and privacy standards. 语音-文本转换公司Spinvox就技术、财政、隐私方面回应了BBC的主张。 Spinvox says humans are needed to check text In a blog post on its company...

  • Voice technology firm under fire 声讯科技企业面临质疑

    09-07-24 A UK firm that turns mobile messages into text faces questions over its privacy standards, technology and finances following a BBC investigation. 一项BBC调查显示,一家将语音短信转换成文字信息的英国企业面临隐私标准、科技和财政等一系列的质疑。 Spinvox...