• 即使父母同意 未成年人也不能文身

    22-06-20 据民政部网站消息,民政部儿童福利司6月10日答复了网民关于《未成年人文身治理工作办法》的一些疑问,明确表示即使父母同意许可也依然不能提供文身服务,父母自己经营的文身店也不能给自己孩子文身。 Minors will not be permitted to get tattooed even if they have...

  • 雀斑刺青 如今发展最迅速的美容项目之一

    17-03-10 Its unclear when exactly freckle tattooing started, but Montreal-based cosmetic tattoo artist Gabrielle Rainbow is considered one of the pioneers who spearheaded the beauty trend. 不知道雀斑刺青是什么时候兴起来的,但是现在居住在加拿大蒙特利尔的美容...

  • 巴西文身家为家暴受害者免费文身

    15-09-15 A Brazilian tattoo artist offers free body art so victims of domestic violence can cover their scars 巴西一位文身艺术家为家暴受害者提供免费文身,帮助他们掩盖伤疤。 Flavia Carvalho began her project 'A Pele da Flor', which means 'The Skin of the Flow...

  • semicolon tattoo 分号纹身

    15-08-20 The trend of semicolon tattoos was started by Project Semicolon. It encourages people to draw (or tattoo) semicolons on their bodies as a way of presenting hope and love to those struggling with depression, anxiety, suicide, self-harm and other form...

  • 纹身影响Apple Watch的手腕监测功能

    15-05-20 That's according to a new thread on Reddit which claims that several tattoo-sporting Apple Watch customers are having trouble using the device, because the wearable's wrist-detection feature gets confused by the way in which tattoos reflect the gree...

  • sleep tattoo 睡眠纹身

    14-01-16 Sleep tattoo refers to the markings on the body from sleeping for an extended period of time, caused by blankets, clothing, or any other thing one would sleep on. Commonly found on the chest, face, and arms. (Source: urbandictionary.com) Sleep tatto...

  • 纹身墨水中含有致癌物

    13-09-29 英国科学家表示,纹身墨水中的毒素被身体吸收后可能会致癌。他们认为,纹身墨水中的纳米颗粒进入血管后会聚集在脾脏和肾脏,从而影响身体的排毒功能。 Toxins from tattoo ink could be absorbed into the body and cause cancer, scientists have revealed. Experts b...

  • 纹身会减少就业机会

    13-09-05 Having a tattoo can reduce your chance of getting a job, but it depends on where the tattoo is, what it depicts and if the job involves dealing with customers, new research says. Dr Andrew R. Timming told the British Sociological Association confere...

  • 俄纹身师将自己名字纹在女友脸上

    13-02-07 一位名叫罗斯兰图曼尼兹的纹身师与女友一见钟情,并在两人初次见面几小时后将自己的名字用哥特体纹在了女友的脸上。 A tattoo artist has inked his name across his lovers face in elaborate Gothic script just hours after they met for the first time. A tattoo...

  • 中国李娜打入澳网公开赛决赛

    11-01-28 At long last China can boast of a tennis player in a Grand Slam final. 中国终于可以在网球大满贯赛上扬眉吐气了。 Tennis star Li Na is known as a colourful character As fans screamed and flags waved, Li Na defeated world number one Caroline Wozniacki...
