• 情侣间争吵时如何占上风

    15-11-02 In order to help couples squabble more successfully, leading lawyer Jonathan Herring has penned a book called How To Argue. 业内顶尖律师乔纳森赫林写了一部名为《如何讲理》,帮助情侣如何在和另一半争吵时占上风。 In his entertaining, no-holds-barred gui...

  • clique-stalking 调查某人的朋友

    15-08-20 Clique-stalking is the act of surreptitiously investigating a persons friends or social media connections. Clique-stalking指偷偷调查某人的朋友或社交媒体人脉的行为。 Clique-stalking happens when you fall down the rabbit hole of clicking the names tag...

  • The teacher's pest 老师的调皮学生

    14-06-16 It is June. The sun is in the sky, it is immense hot. Josie is bored with school. She prefers to be at the beach with the tide. She cannot sit in her seat. She cannot stop talking. While the teacher writes on the board, Josie gets up and talks to on...

  • Who is talking

    13-12-12 An army general telephoned to his unit in another place wanting to speak to someone. He said, Hello! There was a soldier, playing like a sergeant or something, at the other end of the line. He didn't recognize the voice of the high general commander...

  • 做个聆听者

    13-05-27 Many people neglect this most important communication skill. Do you know that we spend an average of our waking day communicating? Of this communication time, 9% is spent writing, 16% reading, 30% talking and 45% listening. Immediately after hearing...

  • Listening is Powerful Medicine

    13-01-08 I believe listening is powerful medicine. Studies have shown it takes a physician about 18 seconds to interrupt a patient after he begins talking. It was Sunday. I had one last patient to see. I approached her room in a hurry and stood at the doorwa...

  • 《绿灯侠》三

    12-11-16 影片对白 Hal: Okay, all right. Place the ring, then speak the oath. The oath. Because everybody knows the oath. Used to sing it in camp. I, Hal Jordan...do solemnly swear...to pledge allegiance ...to a lantern...that I got from a dying purple alien....

  • Interpreting the Films

    12-03-13 Interpreting the Films Heidy Steidlmayer Here I am hunched(缩成一团的) over another impression of the brain with its wads of flat batting and weird yarn, thinking how can I read these films without a light board me, foolishly holding each chronic...

  • 《黑天鹅》四

    12-03-01 影片对白 Thomas: Hey. They tried to eat you alive, but here you are. You did well. Nina: Really? Thomas: Mm-hmm. Where are you going? Nina: Upper west side. Thomas: Stop at my place for a drink. It's on the way. Coach: Thomas, you need to say hello...

  • 伦敦和利物浦将安装“能说会唱的垃圾桶”

    11-10-15 英国某艺术组织发起了一个名为垃圾桶思维的活动,计划于今年十月在伦敦和利物浦街头安装25个能说会唱的垃圾桶。当有人往垃圾桶投扔废弃物时,就会有个名人对他们说一句鼓励的话或者唱上几句。 Organisers of a scheme recruiting celebrities to lend their voices to...