• fully display one's talents 大显身手

    22-06-06 大显身手,汉语成语,指充分地显示出本领和才能。可以翻译为fully display ones talents,distinguish oneself或do a really good job等。 例句: 你大显身手的时机到啦! Nows your chance to distinguish yourself. 他虽然很缺乏经验,但在拳击比赛中仍大显身手。 Al...

  • 卧虎藏龙

    22-02-07 虎年就要到了,来学几个和虎有关的成语吧!卧虎藏龙,也作藏龙卧虎,字面意思是crouching dragon and hidden tiger,指某地隐藏着未被发现的人才或深藏不露的人才。可以翻译为talents in obscurity或a place where people with unusual abilities are to be found。 例...

  • poach talents 挖墙脚

    21-11-16 挖墙脚本意是指将墙的下半部挖掉,以至墙的整体失衡而倒塌。比喻从根本上搞破坏(undermine the foundation),使对手不能成功(prevent the success of an enemy),为贬义词。 现如今,挖墙脚一般指从竞争对手处挖取相关人才,英文可以翻译为poach talents (from)...

  • Mansfield Park - Chapter 8

    21-05-06 Fannys rides recommenced the very next day; and as it was a pleasant fresh-feeling morning, less hot than the weather had lately been, Edmund trusted that her losses, both of health and pleasure, would be soon made good. While she was gone Mr. Rushw...

  • Mansfield Park - Chapter 2

    21-05-06 The little girl performed her long journey in safety; and at Northampton was met by Mrs. Norris, who thus regaled in the credit of being foremost to welcome her, and in the importance of leading her in to the others, and recommending her to their ki...

  • Work: A Story of Experience - Chapter 1

    21-01-24 CHRISTIE. AUNT BETSEY, theres going to be a new Declaration of Independence. Bless and save us, what do you mean, child? And the startled old lady precipitated a pie into the oven with destructive haste. I mean that, being of age, Im going to take c...

  • 北京吸引全球人才建立高科技中心

    19-01-15 The mayor of Beijing has said that the city would support multinationals to set up research and development centers and widen channels for attracting global talent in the citys efforts to become an innovation center of science and technology. 北京市...
