• be involved in the same wrongdoing 一根绳上的蚂蚱

    22-08-29 一根绳上的蚂蚱,中文习语,字面意思是grasshoppers tied to the same rope,常比喻两个人处在同一个境遇,谁也别想推脱责任,可以翻译为be involved in the same wrongdoing。 例句: 他们是一根绳上的蚂蚱,谁也跑不了。 They were all involved in the case and non...

  • 《唐顿庄园》英式俚语:趾高气扬

    22-08-29 1. 趾高气扬 管家Carson的旧交前来勒索他,Bates拦着他不让进门,但他硬闯了进来: Uh-uh, uh-uh, uh-uh, dont go all high and mighty with me. 别跟我神气活现的,拿腔拿调。 2. 手脚不干净 Carson指出前来勒索他的这位旧交曾经偷盗。 Until you couldnt keep your h...

  • swim with the tide 随大溜

    22-03-23 随大溜,亦作随大流,随表示跟随,追随(follow)。随大流比喻跟着多数人说话或行事,可以翻译为follow the general trend,swim with the tide,也可以表示盲目跟从(follow others blindly)。 例句: 他们是独立的个体,不愿随大溜。 They are individuals; they wi...

  • sink or swim 孤注一掷

    21-12-24 如果使用 sink or swim 这个短语,你的意思就是在一种特定情况下, 孤注一掷,成败在此一举。 例句 Mary has decided to open a clothes shop in spite of the current economic recession. Lets see if she will sink or swim. Ive been accepted by one of the best...

  • to swim upstream 逆流而上

    21-05-22 表达 swim upstream 向上游 原本指三文鱼这种幼期在河里生活的鱼类到了秋天就会逆流游到砂砾遍布的上游河床产卵的习性。要完成这段游途很不容易,而且会消耗巨大的体力,但正因如此,三文鱼才得以繁衍生息。 在日常对话中,swim upstream 比喻 一个人本可以轻松简单地...

  • The Mind Is Its Own Place

    16-05-17 The Mind Is Its Own Place Ann Townsend Mated and unmated, starlings swarm the willow with their devotions until the tree roils and sways, wing-beats sounding the torrent through which they swim. Dopamine, paroxetine, an injection of adrenaline into...