• 月球样本即将面向社会公众展出

    21-03-03 2月22日,国家博物馆发布消息称,嫦娥五号带回的月球样本已运抵国博,策展团队正在精心策展、布展中,即将面向社会公众展出。 The lunar samples are preserved in a delicate container made of artificial crystal. 月球样品保存在一个人工水晶制成的精美容器中。 De...

  • 月球表面的水分子可能有利于建立人类基地

    20-11-24 近日,在透露了一项 令人激动的月球新发现 后,美国国家航空航天局公布了地球唯一的天然卫星上存在水的确凿证据。 Scientists have previously found signs of ice on the Moon and water vapour in its thin atmosphere. 科学家们此前已经在月球上发现了冰存在的迹象...

  • 以蜘蛛网为灵感的双面胶带可粘合伤口

    20-11-21 研究人员设计出了一种可以在术后快速将身体组织粘合起来的双面胶带。这个设计灵感源于蜘蛛在雨中捕猎时分泌的 胶水。 Getting tissues in the body to form a tight seal is difficult because water on their surface makes them slippery. Sutures or stitches that...

  • 研究人员发现2000光年以外的巨型新恒星

    20-11-21 研究人员们发现了一颗巨型恒星,其大气成分前所未见。他们认为这个庞大的物体是由两颗 白矮星 合并而成的,通常白矮星会以强大的超新星的形式爆炸。 The new star is what astronomers call a white dwarf. Its what stars like the Sun become at the end of their li...

  • 科学家解释地球的北磁极移动现象

    20-11-17 欧洲的科学家们认为他们现在能有把握地描述出是什么导致了地球北磁极的漂移。近年来,地球北磁极已从加拿大移向西伯利亚。 At the top of the world, there is a place where magnetic field lines point vertically into the Earths surface. Its called the North Ma...

  • 科学家提出月球外壳形成的新观点

    20-11-17 月球是由许多层状结构组成的,包括它厚厚的外壳,但你有没有想过月球最外层的 月壳 是怎样形成的?人们以前认为月球的岩石外层是由其表面深处的岩浆或熔融岩石形成的。 The scientists re-analysed a sample collected by NASA astronauts during the 1972 Apollo miss...

  • 35亿年前水星曾有大规模的火山活动

    16-08-08 New research from North Carolina State University finds that major volcanic activity on the planet Mercury most likely ended about 3.5 billion years ago. These findings add insight into the geological evolution of Mercury in particular, and what hap...

  • 北太平洋海水温度可以预测美国的高温情况

    16-03-29 The formation of a distinct pattern of sea surface temperatures in the middle of the North Pacific Ocean can predict an increased chance of summer heat waves in the eastern half of the U.S. up to 50 days in advance. The pattern is a contrast of warm...

  • 储存地表水可以增加旱时地下水补给

    16-03-26 Although years of drought and over-pumping have significantly depleted groundwater in Arizona and California, a new study shows the situation has an upside: It has created underground reservoirs where extra surface water can be stored during wet tim...

  • 科学家发现水星表面阴暗的原因

    16-03-08 Scientists have long been puzzled about what makes Mercury's surface so dark. The innermost planet reflects much less sunlight than the Moon, a body on which surface darkness is controlled by the abundance of iron-rich minerals. These are known to b...