• 壁虎依靠足部刚毛控制附着力

    14-08-13 If you've ever spent any time watching a gecko(壁虎) , you may have wondered about their uncanny(神秘的) ability to adhere to any surface -- including upside down on ceilings. It turns out the little lizards can turn the stickiness of toe hairs...

  • 美国宇航局发现日冕加热理论的新证据

    14-08-04 Scientists have recently gathered some of the strongest evidence to date to explain what makes the sun's outer atmosphere so much hotter than its surface. The new observations of the small-scale extremely hot temperatures are consistent with only on...

  • 钙钛矿锰氧化物的新特性

    14-07-26 A novel combination of microscopy(显微镜检查) and data processing has given researchers at the Department of Energy's Oak Ridge National Laboratory an unprecedented look at the surface of a material known for its unusual physical and electrochemic...

  • 利用数学模型控制褶皱的形成

    14-06-26 Wrinkles, creases and folds are everywhere in nature, from the surface of human skin to the buckled(有扣的) crust of Earth. They can also be useful structures for engineers. Wrinkles in thin films, for example, can help make durable circuit boards...

  • 微软发布Surface Pro 3平板

    14-05-21 Microsoft has unveiled the Surface Pro 3 - a bigger-screened, faster Windows 8 tablet than its predecessor. 微软发布Surface Pro 3平板比前代平板屏幕更大、速度更快的Win8平板。 Microsoft says the Surface Pro 3 is designed to replace a laptop The new mo...

  • 新式平面天线或将问世

    14-04-16 By depositing an array of tiny, metallic, U-shaped structures onto a dielectric(非传导性的) material, a team of researchers in China has created a new artificial surface that can bend and focus electromagnetic waves the same way an antenna does. T...

  • 土卫恩克拉多斯南极附近暗藏地下水库

    14-04-06 In 2005, NASA's Cassini spacecraft sent pictures back to Earth depicting an icy Saturnian moon spewing water vapor and ice from fractures, known as tiger stripes, in its frozen surface. It was big news that tiny Enceladus -- a mere 500 kilometers in...

  • 粗糙表面能减少水的阻力

    14-01-18 From the sleek(圆滑的) hulls of racing yachts to Michael Phelps' shaved legs, most objects that move through the water quickly are also smooth. But researchers from UCLA have found that bumpiness(崎岖不平) can sometimes be better. A properly des...

  • 微软200刀回收iPad 推广Surface平板

    13-09-18 微软公司最近在美国和加拿大推出了一项新的市场推广活动,用户可拿八九成新的iPad产品换取200美元的代金券,该代金券可用于购买微软的Surface系列产品,不过,代金券只可在实体店使用。 Microsoft has launched a US marketing offer for people to exchange gently us...

  • 《地心历险记2》五

    13-07-31 片段对白 Alexander: Get ready, Gabby. I'm about to take your breath away . Gabato: Wow! Hank: Unbelievable. Alexander: How do you like Grandma now? Gabato: Hello! Alexander: No one's been home for thousands of years, Gabby. Can anybody guess...what...