• catch the sun 皮肤被晒黑

    21-05-22 夏日的阳光很强烈,我们在做户外活动前应采取防晒措施,比如涂抹防晒霜、打遮阳伞等。有些人会为了晒出健康的小麦色皮肤 a tan,在这个季节去海滩沐浴阳光。 英语说法 catch the sun 抓住太阳 的意思就是 皮肤被太阳晒黑 的过程。这是一个固定搭配。 例句 Your face is...

  • place in the sun 好境遇

    21-05-22 和亲朋好友去公园野餐或者去海滩度假是英国人典型的夏日休闲方式。不过,每遇到阳光明媚的日子,出门野餐和海边休假的人会非常多。如果能在阳光充足的绿地或沙滩上抢到一席之地,可以说是非常幸运的。所以,我们用表达 a place in the sun 阳光照耀之地 来指 令人羡慕...

  • be streaming with sweat 汗流浃背

    21-05-19 汗流浃背,汉语成语,意思是汗水流得满背都是,多形容因恐惧或体力消耗流了很多汗,衣服都湿透了。可以翻译为be streaming with sweat(from fear or physical exertion),或be soaked with sweat。 例句: 在阳光的强烈照射下他们已经汗流浃背。 Already they were s...

  • 英文中怎么表达“好晒”呢?

    20-10-14 1 bright / sunny 表达阳光充足,没有阴天,没有遮盖,但不一定刺眼。 例: Its so bright / sunny outside! 外面太阳好大! 2 harsh 刺眼的,能形容阳光刺眼、声音刺耳,光线过于强烈。 例: The sun is so harsh. I cant open my eyes! 太阳真刺眼,我睁不开眼! 3...

  • 2020印度将进行首个太阳任务

    19-06-14 Indias Space Research Organisation (ISRO) Thursday said it will launch its first mission to study the sun in 2020. 印度空间研究组织周四表示,将于2020年发射首个研究太阳的太空任务。 The announcement was made by ISRO Chairman K Sivan and the mission ha...

  • 美国宇航局将向太阳发射探测器

    18-08-09 A red-hot voyage to the sun is about to bring us closer to the star than ever before. 一艘飞向太阳的航天器将让我们前所未有地靠近这颗恒星。 NASAs Parker Solar Probe will hurtle through the sizzling solar atmosphere and come within just 3.8 million mi...

  • 专家:云南陨石的历史比太阳还古老

    18-06-13 Experts have determined that a meteor that landed in southwest Chinas Yunnan Province is as old as the solar system, reports Yunnan.cn. 云南网报道,专家判定坠落在云南的一块陨石其历史与太阳系一样古老。 Xu Weibiao, chief scientist at the Purple Mounta...

  • 美宇航局将发射飞船直飞太阳

    17-06-01 A NASA spacecraft will aim straight for the sun next year and bear the name of the astrophysicist who predicted the existence of the solar wind nearly 60 years ago. 美国宇航局将于明年发射一艘直飞太阳的宇宙飞船,该飞船以一位天体物理学家的名字命名,这...

  • 鞋类装备词汇

    16-10-12 flip-flop 人字拖 slipper 拖鞋 moccasin 软拖鞋 sandals 凉鞋 court shoes 船鞋 close toe sandals 不露趾凉鞋 slingback 露跟凉鞋 peep toe 鱼嘴鞋 sun glasses 太阳镜 sunhat 太阳帽 goggles 泳镜 sunscreen umbrella 遮阳伞 sunscreen lotion 防晒霜...

  • 向日葵随生物钟而转动

    16-08-08 Its summertime, and the fields of Yolo County are filled with ranks of sunflowers, dutifully watching the rising sun. At the nearby University of California, Davis, plant biologists have now discovered how sunflowers use their internal circadian clo...