• to string someone along 牵着鼻子走

    22-08-26 我朋友Jenny的老板实在很糟糕。两个月来,他一直让Jenny觉得自己有机会被提升为部门主管,所以就没完没了地加班,自我表现。其实我觉得,她老板根本就是在欺骗她,牵着她的鼻子走。在英语里,有一个习惯用语,专门形容这种情况,叫string someone along. To string som...

  • 转换话题 上

    22-04-08 我们换个话题吧! Lets change the subject. Lets talk about something else. Lets talk about something different. Id rather talk about something else. 言归正传。 Lets get back to the subject. Lets get back to the point. Lets get back on track. 我现在不...

  • 不失礼貌地转移话题

    22-03-30 #1 lets drop the subject 我们换个话题吧 这是最为直截了当的一种说法。drop有着停止、终止的意思,因此,当不想再继续谈论某件事(而且通常是令人痛苦、烦恼的事情)时,我们就可以说:Lets drop it. I dont want to talk about it anymore.(我们换个话题吧。我不想...

  • 别说了。

    21-12-10 别说了。 Lets stop talking. Im tired of talking. (我都说累了。) I dont want to talk anymore. (我不想说了。) 那事儿我听过了。 Ive heard the story before. *用于对方重复说一件事时。 Youve already told me. Im sick and tired of hearing that. (我耳朵都听...

  • 我现在不想谈那件事。

    21-12-10 我现在不想谈那件事。 I dont want to talk about it now. Id prefer not to talk about it. (我不想谈论那件事。) 那事儿以后再说吧。 Lets talk about it later. 例句: Were playing golf this Sunday, right? (我们这个星期天要去打高尔夫球,对吧?) Lets talk abo...

  • 我们换个话题吧!

    21-12-10 我们换个话题吧! Lets change the subject. Lets talk about something else. Lets talk about something different. Id rather talk about something else. (能不能换个别的话题。) 例句: Okay, okay, Ill pay you back next week... (好吧,好吧,下星期我还你钱)...

  • Northanger Abbey - Chapter 20

    21-11-29 Mr. and Mrs. Allen were sorry to lose their young friend, whose good humour and cheerfulness had made her a valuable companion, and in the promotion of whose enjoyment their own had been gently increased. Her happiness in going with Miss Tilney, how...

  • Northanger Abbey - Chapter 16

    21-11-29 Catherines expectations of pleasure from her visit in Milsom Street were so very high that disappointment was inevitable; and accordingly, though she was most politely received by General Tilney, and kindly welcomed by his daughter, though Henry was...