• 飞机噪音易引发中风、心血管疾病

    13-10-09 The risks of stroke, heart and circulatory disease are higher in areas with a lot of aircraft noise, researchers say. 研究人员称,在有大量飞机噪音的区域居住的人,患中风、心血管疾病的几率较高。 Their study of 3.6 million residents near Heathrow Airpo...

  • 外伤性脑损伤可能引发中风

    13-06-27 People who have a traumatic brain injury (TBI) may be more likely to have a future stroke, according to research that appears in the June 26, 2013, online issue of Neurology, the medical journal of the American Academy of Neurology. Both stroke and...

  • 肠道细菌副产物可预测心脏病和中风

    13-04-25 A microbial byproduct of intestinal(肠道的) bacteria contributes to heart disease and serves as an accurate screening tool for predicting future risks of heart attack, stroke and death in persons not otherwise identified by traditional risk factor...

  • 多摄入钾可降低中风危险

    13-04-07 Increasing potassium in our diets as well as cutting down on salt will reduce blood pressure levels and the risk of stroke, research in the British Medical Journal suggests. 英国医学杂志建议,日常饮食中增加钾同时减少盐摄入量将降低血压、减少中风危险...

  • 饮食中的抗氧化剂不能减少中风几率

    13-02-21 Contrary to other research, a new study found that the total level of antioxidants in people's diets is not related to their risk of developing stroke or dementia. The study is published in the February 20, 2013, online issue of Neurology, the medic...

  • 食用富含油的鱼类可预防中风

    12-11-01 Eating at least two servings of oily fish a week is moderately but significantly associated with a reduced risk of stroke, finds a study published on the British Medical Journal website. But taking fish oil supplements doesn't seem to have the same...

  • 父母离婚的男子易患中风

    12-09-14 Men with divorced parents are significantly more likely to suffer a stroke than men from intact(完整的) families, shows a new study from the University of Toronto. The study, to be published this month in the International Journal of Stroke, shows...

  • 轻度空气污染也能提高中风危险

    12-02-14 Air pollution, even at levels generally considered safe by federal regulations, increases the risk of stroke by 34 percent, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center researchers have found. Writing in the Feb. 14, 2012 issue of the Archives of Internal M...

  • 科学家发现诱发中风的突变基因

    12-02-06 A genetic variant that increases the risk of a common type of stroke has been identified by scientists in a study funded by the Wellcome Trust and published online in Nature Genetics. This is one of the few genetic variants to date to be associated...

  • 脑部磁刺激可治疗某些中风病人

    11-12-15 Imagine waking up and being unable to see or recognize anything on the left side of your body. This condition, called hemispatial neglect, is common after a stroke that occurs on the right side of the brain. The current treatment of attention and co...